MORE serious bizness

May 03, 2007 09:52

- OMG. Okay, so tonight after work and dinner, I have to go home and dl Generation X. (Thank you, myserious unnamed community, for helping me connect the dots and figure out what the name of this thing was.) Yes, it is a lame TV pilot/movie about mutants, but you GUYS. I remember watching this when it aired, and I also remember that it completely primed the pump (so to speak) for me to be interested in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Because it was kind of quirky and weird and about semi-normal people with awesome fucking superpowers, and I was vaguely disappointed that it never got picked up. (This is before I paid attention to TV behind the scenes stuff, though, so the concept of "getting picked up" wasn't really there yet, but you know what I mean, I think.) And so when, a year later, another two-hour TV event was promoed about a quirky, semi-normal girl with awesome fucking superpowers, I got psyched up for it and did my homework early so that I could watch it without distractions. And it was the best first date with a TV show ever, and it introduced me to it's best friend, Fandom, and ba da da, here we are. (Also, oh, oh, my icon makes me flaily every time, because I was a kind of crazy fan even from day one and always liked to watch the end credits and then they did THAT and it was like, "Hi, I'm Joss, I know you, I know you're crazy and you watch the end credits, and I LIKE THAT ABOUT YOU." Oh, SHOW, I still miss the fuck out of you.)

- This goes out to my lolcats homies still trying to simply Tankcat into Mordor: Anil Dash's fantabulous post, which discusses the linguistic form of lolcat pidgin. lolgays is an excellent adaptation of the form. (I assume everyone's seen this already, I just really like the use of the word "glitterthongs". Also, I need an icon of John Sheppard with text I IS IN UR BUTTZ, MASSAGING UR PROSTATEZ!, and I need it yesterday.) Cat Town, which takes the pictures from that Japanese website where all the cats are dressed up in little outfits and turns said pictures into a TV show (I highly recommend reading the FAQ as well). And the best thing on the entire goddamn internet, loltrek, wherein someone does an lolcats version of the Star Trek episode, "The Trouble with Tribbles." Best part = Spock doesn't speak lolcat.

So at some point, Bunny found my lj? And friended but then defriended it very quickly, and when I asked her about it, she said, "No, no, I like your general posts! I just..." and I thought she was upset. But then I asked if she got embarrassed reading about herself and that I like her, and she turned very very red and fanned her face a little and wouldn't say anything. So that answers that. :) She also said that she thought I should have a space where I can write about and process my life and my relationship with her and whatnot, and that she was worried that I'd start to feel like she was always looking over my shoulder whenever I wrote anything. (Not that that's every happened to me before or anything. Noooooo...) So to sum up: when she's not doing things I like, she's respecting my privacy and personal space? I don't know, you guys, it's like I'm involved with a adult woman or something. Crazytown.

twitterpated, television, quotidienne

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