Anniversary 10′ Event Originally uploaded by
:: More info
1) Special Pre-Summer 2o1o -2011 Lati collection: Swimsuits, bathingsuits, bikinis, summer hats in a lot of different colours and styles …
The swimsuits will be posted at random times on our flickr (*available dates: between 05-17-10 to 06-07-10*)with NO LINK for purchase on our Etsy shop.
(Check our flickr profile page for the link).
2) Special Pre-Fall-Winter 2o1o/2o11 Blythe and Lati Yellow collection
3) Special Prints and stickers
4) Lots of Giveaways with all orders… We are going to give away 50 Special Magnets, moo cards … and lots more (limited to one per order).
5) Only READYMADE items for our Anniversary event, no PreOrder items available this time, sorry.
6) Flickr/Blog GiveAway OPEN for everyone (info will be posted later today)
7) Flickr Group Contest (coming later tonight)
Previous Customers (check blog)