(no subject)

Jan 03, 2012 21:30

A twofer, because whoops I am forgetful.

Day One: Ten things you want to do some day.
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight qualities you think are awesome in other people.
Day Four: Seven (semi)interesting things you've pondered or thought about recently.
Day Five: Six things you are glad you did.
Day Six: Five books/movies/tv series/etc that you'd recommend
Day Seven: Four silly quirks
Day Eight: Three pet peeves
Day Nine: Two things for which you're proud of yourself.
Day Ten: One secret plan.

Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
1. I type for fun. Crossreferenced lists, compilations of things across multiple sources, searchable transcriptions... all sorts of things. The entire fun part of lists is in the making of them, and the maintenance and attempts to improve them thereafter.
2. If I could have afforded it, I would have loved to have stayed in school forever. Languages and linguistics, communications and information policy, copyright and the concept of "intellectual property," sociology, philosophy, theologies, history... So many fascinating subjects, so little time! I've been reading a lot of nonfiction to... compensate, sort of, but it's not really the same, of course.
3. I sometimes get very passionate about causes and beliefs about the social -- so much so that I can say really blunt, dismissive things about people who don't share my viewpoints. I've been trying to work on this by keeping my mouth shut; with politics being a forbidden subject when family's over, it's helped.
4. I can get pretty defensive when people speak negatively about groups/organizations I was previously part of, even if my associations with them are all but gone. See: the Catholic Church, otherkin/therianthropes/furries, the asexual community, certain shounen fandoms, ex-employers.
5. Most of the time I really don't care about my body at all as anything other than a means through which I interact with the world. I'd love to be a shapeshifter or Metamorphmagus; that sort of fluidity and changeability of appearance has always fascinated me.
6. I vastly prefer following to leading, but I still have very strong Ideas concerning How Things Should Be, so I almost inevitably end up taking on more responsibility than I'm really comfortable with, whoops.
7. I rarely drink alcohol and refuse to touch any sort of drug, so even though I take the objective stance of "it's your body to do with as you please" I tend to look down on people who use drugs or drink heavily.
8. In a near exact replica of the above situation, I have a bad habit of slutshaming. At least it's equal-opportunity between the sexes? My relationship with sexual stuff is quintessentially Victorian in many ways... :/
9. There's really not much that squicks me in fic aside from infidelity, bodily wastes, gore/violence (not to be confused with light bloodplay, mind), noncon, and snuff.

Day Three: Eight qualities you think are awesome in other people or, "8 qualities I don't have that I wish I did"
1. Confidence. I have just about no confidence in myself and very little sense of self-worth so I always admire people who aren't withdrawn about everything and sprinkle their speech with qualifiers every fifth word.
2. Social skills. I'm really bad at reading social cues and body language, so I don't put myself forward much in unfamiliar situations and it's difficult for me to connect with people. Networking is like my worst nightmare, and yet my father and my youngest sister can do it with the greatest of ease. I'm so envious.
3. Oratory ability. I'm not much of a speaker; even when I've prepared everything I'll say in advance and am reading from a script I have occasional freeze-ups and hot and cold flashes the entire time, like the words stumble over each other on their way out of my mouth and I'm paranoid about looking like an idiot for it. People who maintain their composure before a crowd and win them over with their charisma are amazing.
4. Empathy. I have a lot of difficulty sympathizing with people's feelings and I never know what to say to comfort someone, so people who are good at that stuff get a lot of admiration from me.
5. The ability to Get Shit Done.
6. Manual skill and dexterity. Envious klutz is envious.
7. Not settling for "good enough."
8. The ability to just let stuff roll off one's back and not get overinvested in the little things.


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