Still more Dragon Age (need to find icons?), and some libraries and intellectual property stuff

Mar 25, 2011 17:47

Why would anyone want to whitewash this lovely lady into this? (Extra credit if you come up with an answer that completely lacks racist undertones. Good luck with that.)

Behold Bioware Neglected Their Main Demographic: The Straight Male Gamer, a long-winded, self-important ramble by a Dragon Age player. The game's lead writer, provides and eloquent rebuttal. As for my own two cents...
1) lol
2) Your misogyny is showing.
3) Your homophobia is showing.
4) Your privilege is showing (bravo for calling him out on that, Mr. Gaider).
5) Your racism is showing -- calling the dark-skinned human female romance option "exotic" and appealing only to a subset of male gamers (never mind lesbians, because we don't play games)? Yeah. Problematic in the extreme.
5) You don't have to pursue the game's gay relationships if you don't want to. Nobody's holding a gun to your head and forcing you to sleep with your male party members.
6) Why should Bioware alienate large portions of the market? Just looking at the first game shows how big the female fanbase for this franchise is -- or did you somehow miss all the Alistair fangirls out there with their thinly-veiled self-insert Alistair/female Cousland fics?
6) If we institute a "no homo" option for jerks like you, can we institute a "no hetero" one too? Fair's fair, after all. :P

I have half-written an essay post with comments on the decision a few weeks ago by HarperCollins to limit library circulation of ebooks lent through Overdrive to 26 checkouts. However, it's morphing into a huge, disjointed rumination on copyright and licensing and what it means that physical copies are losing their privileged position (complete with reference to Williams & Wilkins Co. v. United States, which determined library photocopying to be fair use, and possibly elements from Adrian John's Piracy: The Intellectual Property Wars from Gutenberg to Gates, which I'm currently reading). I should probably cut out the rumination, because it's the kind of thing one could write whole books on. For it to really be polished I'd have to do some research and get some more sources... which would, since this is just for me and not for a class, probably boil down to a lot of reading and citation hopping and nothing resembling a solid paper. (How many of you would actually be interested in reading that sort of thing, anyway?)

library stuff, copyright, dragon age

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