...I love that Walker uses Scalia's dissenting opinion in Lawrence v. Texas as an argument against procreation as a requirement of marriage (Findings of Fact, item 21c, page 63 of the
Perry v. Schwarzenegger ruling). Just sayin'.
Also it might be interesting to study law someday.
Had a dream about living in a duplex with me and
bard_linn on one side and the rest of her family on another. Campers. Big beautiful shade trees. Folks going out of business.
So all over CNN at work yesterday was the story about the flight attendant who had the epic flounce from his job after an altercation with a passenger. Blah blah felonies blah blah unprofessional blah blah why is this guy like a hero on Facebook, they're going, and I'm sitting here going DUH. Our society embraces this poisonous economic culture in which bad behavior on the consumer's part is rewarded. You can throw a shit fit and the people you abuse will still do just about anything to keep your business. That's capitalism. And you know what? All of us, in all jobs, hate it -- we hate letting people walk all over our self-dignity. We hate being taken for granted. We all want to lay the smackdown on a problem client and flounce off sometimes -- but we're supposed to be better than that, so we endure it. Some incredible folks can just shrug it off and not let it affect them (one of my managers is like this, and I envy him for it); most of the rest of us brood about it and let it fester and then sometimes it just reaches a breaking point (I apparently snapped something about "not getting paid enough to deal with this crap" the day before I left for vacation, and it got back to my boss. Considering that, guestimating, I'm the second-highest paid hourly employee -- next only to that pendejo Juan who's been there forever -- getting a whole 2.25 over minimum wage, not the best thing to say, but I was stressed out due to last-minute packing and things and I hadn't taken some real down time in longer than I can remember and boss was understanding of that). We're only human, after all.
What our consumer culture needs is to make things more of a two-way street -- don't reward asshole consumers for their bad behavior. Support your workers when they have to deal with this crap. Far, far too many of the folks who actually run things have no idea what it's like, here at the bottom of the pyramid. Change that. If everyone worked a high-stress drudge monkey job, one where they had to deal with assholes regularly, for at least a brief period, I think we could get rid of a lot of the entitlement complex people have.