So, the Winter Olympics have started! Dad always jokes that during this time every two years he won't see Mom for two and a half weeks 'cause she always gets really into the coverage -- which I guess makes it all the more surprising I found out about that poor Georgian luger who died during practice before she did. Thing is, there have been concerns raised about the luge course and its speed -- when you have people calling part of it "The 50-50 Curve" because they say there's a 50-50 chance you'll crash it it? Yeeeeah. But it's not like they have time to rebuild or change things, or for the athletes to relearn another course... Well, here's hoping they don't have any other terrible accidents.
I'm so tired. Haven't been able to sleep well at all the past couple nights. Also afraid I might be coming down with something -- between the congestion, parched throat, and waking up at 2 am having trouble swallowing because the glands on the right side of my neck are swollen... Well, it's been a while since I've had symptoms like this, that's all I can say.
bard_linn's place two weeks ago when 3/4 of her family were sick, but...
Also apparently poor poor Saira cut her finger really horribly badly at work on Thursday -- the day they told me to stay home since the snow would likely make things slow. And by "badly" I mean "visit to the ER, at least a week off from work, and she's lucky she didn't lose the thing." Maybe I'll see if I can find some kind of card for her -- her English isn't that good, but hopefully they'll have an appropriate Spanish-language one around here somewhere.
There's a contest on the North American Squeenix members website to win a free XBox 360 with a copy of Final Fantasy XIII, but you have to leave your comments about the game (even though it's no purchase necessary). What can I say that doesn't boil down to "I kinda want to play this mostly because I hear that this time around the HoYay is both a) not FoeYay and b) between women rather than vaguely androgynous prettyboys"? XD;
slashed_dream, a meme:
List everything on your desk/surface where your computer is resting on right now. Now that you've read this, you can't put away the pot or porn or anything. Your friends then comment with 3 things they would steal from your desk (anything goes) and then update with the contents of their desks!
Silver wire letter caddy containing the following: prescription receipts and other medical bills, paystubs for 2010, W2 forms and other tax information, gaming notes (spells for King's Quest... III? IV?; clan hunts for Final Fantasy XII), old greeting cards, stuff about health insurance, a loan disbursement notice and a tuition bill for last semester, credit card receipts (including one with a to-do list for yesterday on it), a newspaper clipping sent to me by my grandmother re: a book about librarians, a tuition bill reminder for this semester, a page-a-day calendar thing with the wireless router's security key written on the back
Receipt from work with an example of Mexican slang on the back, written by my manager: Ya te puedes ir mucho a la "CHINGADA" (emphasis his)
Nearly-empty jar of Nutella with "Kerry Frances" (what my sister calls me, only vaguely reminiscent of my actual name) written on the lid, and an iced tea spoon with which to enjoy it
Toenail clippers
The alarm sticker thing from something
Small ceramic tile used as a coaster, with a glass of room-temperature water on it
A candy cane, a lollipop, and an individually-wrapped Lifesaver, the latter two of indeterminate flavor
Golden contact lens case
Abalone shell with a bunch of thumbtacks sitting in it
White leaf-shaped candy dish containing the following: My high school class ring, a jade bracelet and an elephant pendant to match, an opal pendant on a silver chain, a little opalescent turtle on another silver chain, a silver Welsh dragon necklace (officially christened Cymryddu but affectionately called "Dimmy"), an antiqued-looking butterfly necklace on a burgundy leather cord
Cap to my 256-MB flash drive, which is plugged into the computer at the moment
Bookmark with cardinals on it
Tube of hand and cuticle cream for when my skin gets dry
Weird coinlike thing I found in my tips once
Last year's insurance card
iPod charger dock (dating back to 2nd generation I think, heh)
Small Philips-head screwdriver
Black tape dispenser
Black stapler
Silver wire caddy with Post-It notes
Something to hold up papers while I'm typing stuff from them
Case for Dragon Age: Origins (PC version)
CD sleeve with the three discs of the original Baldur's Gate + Tales of the Sword Coast game tucked in
Black case for my silver DS, containing said DS (now playing: Chrono Trigger) and also Dragon Quest V, Dragon Quest IV, and Final Fantasy IV
White twist-tie from something
Computer monitor, on top being speakers and a little weird stuffed elf guy
Computer mouse and keyboard
Computer tower, on top being my wireless USB connector, a chocolate roses gift thing that's probably two years old now, a little plush penguin two pencil cups (one silver wire, one a dragon) containing colored pencils, mechanical pencils (most lacking lead), pens (erasable and non), a couple of black markers, and a pair of scissors
Two silver quarters, a suction cup, and a tube for one of the dairy dispensers at work (apparently I forgot about it in my pocket one day)