Oct 27, 2006 07:26
Bizarre dream:
At a con, some dude was showing off how to beat this video game (I don't recall the name) super easily. It was the final dungeon, full of huge brown insects and all done up in SNES graphics. Apparently there was a bug that enabled Cloud to access from the menu the limit that let him turn into a red dragon, so the guy pretty much blew his way through EVERYTHING -- insect monsters, walls, doors, switches, etc. We got to the room where the final battle was supposed to happen, and there was black-robed lizardman Zeromus and four robed and hooded Sephiroth clones, which Cloud!dragon blasted the crap out of. Suddenly, FMV in shinier PS1-look graphics; typical evil villain speech while Zeromus did some Transformers sequence and became Kefka (with orange-and-black striped pants and awesomely snazzy boots), and then we had a traditional turn-based fight with the FFVII look and FFVI boss music. Party members? Aerith and Barret wielding bows (the latter wearing some lionskin vest it looked like he stole from Gau or something), Reno fighting with his fists, and Cloud with his Buster Sword.
That was when I woke up.
final fantasy,