Apr 12, 2010 15:01
Questa canzone l'hanno palesemente scritta per me. *rotola via dalle risate*
42 Eternal: Too weird, too normal
Blue skies are depressing
Oh, how I hate the day light
I find eyebrows so sexy
And high heels just piss me off
Like sour cream and dancing
I hate swimming
Can't socialize well
It's easy to see
That I don't belong
This scene is killing me
Conforming non-conformity
It's about as new as New Wave
And as free as women's jeans
It's easy to see
That I don't belong
Too rich for the ghetto
Too ghetto for the rich
And I'm
Too weak for the metal
But too metal for the weak oh yeah
Oh oh
Too weird for the normal
Too normal for the weird