🎨SPN RB 2020🎨 🐍Reality Is Limited🐍 Art Master Post

Nov 23, 2020 22:50

title card

[• Tumblr •][• LiveJournal •][• 2020 Masterlist •]

Artist: kirathehyrulian | Tumblr | Ao3

Author: dimeliora | Ao3 |
Storylink:  Ao3 | LiveJournal |
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Fic Rating: Mature
Warnings: Angst with a happy Ending
Word Count: 6023
Summary:  Jared's lost his family and his reason to live, but deep in the jungles of Thailand he finds something new.

For more art from me please check out my “myart” tag here on Tumblr.   
👇(Artist Notes, Art, Bonus Art and spoilers below the cut) 👇

Reality Is Limited Illustration: R1007-Snake King

Artist Notes:  I kind of screwed the pooch on this RB. For some reason watching  15x18-20 kind of drain my ability to draw. I got lost in all the hilarious memes of 15x18, the sadness and worry of spn ending, and Dean and Sam’s head touch♥. I think a lot of spn fans when through some transitional periods during 2020 and the finale.

Anyways, I loved my author’s  story and I wanted to make them additional art even though this style  gives me trouble. I had planned on making a title card with Winky in it chasing monkeys, because they love dogs. I had it sketched out but never  finished it because spn was ending and I was too caught up in that. I apologize to my author. I’m so sorry. You worked really hard and created a beautiful story and I didn’t give what I needed to back. I messed up there.

Here was my art prompt description:
Title of prompt: Snake King
Rating of Art: Teen
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Explicit
Pairing or Gen: Jared/Jensen
Characters: Jensen is in the art. Jensen and Jared need to be included in the story.
Warnings: shirtless pecs
Short description of art: Boa Naga King!Jensen sitting on his stone throne.
Do Not Wants: scat, another endgame other than Jared/Jensen, flat woobie Jared or Jensen, character bashing
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: No.

I remember I was really lost on what to do for a second rb, and I then I thought I've  been drawing a lot of Sam lately but not a lot of Dean. But, I was blanking on direction/motivation for a subject outside of just Dean.  And, then I thought of the Masquerade prompts because I couldn't think of another group of readily available spn prompts. Which reminded me of the Jungle book prompt I drew for before.  And, I thought, I kind of wish this had a story? I did realistic-ish because for some reason I wasn't able to get the lineart to work right. I was going to make it an Either, but ended up making it purely Rpf because it really has the spirit of Rpf AU instead of SPN AU. This artwork did give me a lot of trouble. I was struggling with it before  the deadline, and just had to be done with it in the end. I was going to try to fix certain things, and I did a smidgen, but it is what it is.

Bonus Art: Jensen without the jewelry and crown.

Reality Is Limited Illustration Alternate: Naga!Jensen without jewels

I made this while I made the first image. The magic of digital art and separate layers.🙌 (interesting side note: my author didn't know about this piece but there is a part in the story where Jensen takes off his hat. What a coinkydink!)

Bonus Art: a very sketchy WIP of the original idea for the title card

Original Title Card WIP idea

Kind of sad I didn’t get his version done. Ah, oh well, can’t do anything about it now. ://

I don’t remember what I listened to while drawing this. So I don't have any musical inspiration to link to.

I think that's everything.

Enjoy, if you can!♥

naga!jensen, creature!jensen, jensen ackles, spn rpf, 2020, jared/jensen, jared padalecki, spnreversebang, shirtless!jensen

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