Gencest '19: Goin' With Him Someday Soon- Art MasterPost

Jul 20, 2019 17:12

Title: Going with Him Someday Soon
Author: amypond45
Artist: kirathehyrulian
Tags/Warnings:   episode 11x08: just my imagination, episode 14x12: prophet & loss,  episode 7x03: girl next door, genre: gen, pov dean, pre-series, spn  fanworks challenge

Summary:  When they’re very  young, John leaves the boys home alone while he hunts. Until one day  Dean’s old enough to help. But that means leaving Sam alone by himself.  Dean’s never as okay with that as he pretends to be, and John soon  learns he can threaten to separate the boys as a way to keep Dean in  line. Nothing’s worse than being separated from his little brother.  Nothing.


It’s all done and over with. Yes, finally. Blood,  sweat, and tears, people. Blood, sweat, and tears. This is my first  bang! And, it was fun. I made some mishaps but I learned a bunch too. I  definitely have a lot more exp than I did before on how to draw young  Jared and Jensen… T-T I tried. I really did.

And, shout out to my author.  They were really patient with me and very understanding about my last  minute deadline pushing self. I’m honored to be apart of this bang and  know some more faces in this fandom because of it.

impala 67, gencest bang, 2019, author: amypond45, artmasterpost, weechesters, collab, sam winchester, 11x08 just my imagination, dean winchester

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