If you would be so kind, ask me the seven questions below. Just copy and paste them into a comment, replace the blanks with anything you want--personal, silly, surreal, or deep--and I'll answer honestly as I can! (caveat: as this post is not filtered, I won't give answers that include things I wouldn't ordinarily post publicly) Then post this in
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Comments 2
2. When did you last embarrass yourself?
3. quilts or mollusks and why?
4. What did you last use a hammer for?
5. What's your favorite seven-letter word?
6. How would you flip a pancake if you didn't have a spatula?
7. Who would you most like to grope?
2. I tend to embarrass myself daily, it's pretty pathetic.
3. Quilts, because they are warm and dry instead of cold blooded and wet.
4. Probably either putting together my furniture or taking apart my bike, I can't really remember.
5. That requires far too much thought to answer this late at night. It's 13:36 here after a very long day.
6. I'd use a fork.
7. At this very moment, Orlando Bloom. He's staring at me from the poster on my wall.
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