So, has anyone else gone to see Pirates 3?
It started off a little slow, but OMG, what an ending! I cried! But woah, how hot does Will look as a pirate, holy shit, Orli should always be a pirate. Those boots at the end, and the bandanna, and the smirk after the credits when he's coming back to Elizabeth and his son. So cute! So, there are no movie stills of Will as a pirate, and I really really really want some! So, if anyone finds some, could you let me know where? Oh, and when they are found, if I could interest someone in making an icon for me. Mmmm, pirate will in hot hot boots and some eyeliner, that was pretty. Anyone else agree? And Keith Richards? Seriously! So awesome! And that just makes me like the Rolling Stones even more, because fall-out-of-a-tree-man is a pirate.