Growing together (Chapter 55)

Apr 15, 2023 17:04

N/A: I was trying to get information about Okinawa, but I didn’t write for so long and didn’t want to make myself over-analyse how it looks there to just write something. I am sorry if all the places and descriptions don’t fit Okinawa. Let’s act as if it is just my fantasy version of it okay?

Satoshi smiled as he watched Kazu who was tucked in beside him. The flight wasn’t too long, but Kazu had been unable to keep his eyes open after they were allowed to open the belts. It had been hard enough to get him onto the plane and on his seat after the pills had kicked in. The younger boy was cute and looked so much younger again when he was asleep like that.

Satoshi had put a blanket around him with the help of a flight attendant and his arm was around his waist, caressing the soft skin of his hips where the shirt had been riding up a little bit. Satoshi mostly stared at his younger lover after their departure. Not that interested in staring at the clouds to maybe get a glimpse of what was under them. In his mind watching Kazu was so much more rewarding.

There was a slight ping before a slightly static voice told them to get ready for landing and with a small regret Satoshi rubbed Kazu’s waist a bit stronger to wake the boy up and whispered into his ear until the eyes opened slightly.


“We are there, come on, you need to sit properly in your seat Kazu.”

“Ugh…” Kazu mumbled as he rubbed his face and wrinkled his nose as he moved. He felt so stiff. Still, he smiled at the woman who took the blanket back and forced himself to follow the instructions upon landing. He could take a nap whenever they arrived at their hotel, he was sure. Too little sleep, a small breakfast and the pills had been a very strong combination this time. His fingers closed around Ohno’s as the plane seemed to make a jump, he always hated landing and departing the most.

Satoshi led them through the airport and into a waiting taxi that would bring them to their final destination. The drive would take a bit, so it didn’t surprise him when Kazu dozed off once more and shook him awake with a chuckle when they arrived. They thanked the driver and Kazu seemed more alert now that they stood in front of the small ryokan that Satoshi had booked for them. It looks small and not like Kazu had expected. Kazu had thought that Satoshi booked them a room in one of the bigger hotels on the main island instead the ryokan was tucked away, surrounded by plants and Kazu could hear the waves from the ocean.

“It looks nice,” he whispered after a moment of silent observation, giggling when Satoshi breathed a sigh of relief.

“I have one thing to tell you before we check in,” Satoshi said then though, a frown on his face.

“What is it?”

“Mhm… I thought you would prefer if we are not seen as brothers, and nobody would believe we are married yet. So I booked you under another name. Well... Technically at least.”

Kazu fell silent for a moment, understanding what Satoshi meant without the need for elaboration. In the end, he sighed and nodded. “I see,” he mumbled and wrinkled his nose. Well, it wasn’t as if he had some real memories connected to the name Ninomiya it just seemed wrong now. “Okay, I just hope that they will be convinced if I ask them to call my Kazunari.”

“If you look at them with puppy eyes, they will fulfil each of your wishes.”


“Come on, let’s go in.”

Kazu still nodded with a frown, that turned into a small smile, when Satoshi held out his hand. He took it and together they entered. Kazu looked around curiously as Satoshi walked them to the front desk and talked to the people behind the counter. Kazu just listened with half an ear as he had no idea what Satoshi booked, but he knew that at least Satoshi didn’t mind. And he managed to smile at the right places at least.

“We don’t offer lunch here, but we could bring some drinks and a small snack to your room if you want to relax first,” the owner of the house offered and Satoshi looked at him questioningly.

“That sounds perfect, thank you,” Kazu said after a moment of thought. He felt better and more awake, but the thought of having to look for a place to have lunch right away didn’t sound enticing.

“Yes, I think we will stay in mostly today. I saw you have a garden we can visit?”

“Of course. You can enter it from your patio directly. I will bring drinks and snacks in a bit and give you the information about what we offer and what you can visit around here. Tamiko-san will show you to your room.”

“Thank you, that would be very helpful,” he agreed with a small smile.

They followed the woman silently. Satoshi playfully tugged Kazu closer, as they walked, which caused Kazu to slightly bump into him.

“Childish,” Kazu scolded slightly and blushed when the woman chuckled in front of them. Satoshi just smirked and thanked her as she opened the door for them.

“Dinner will be around 7 pm. We can bring it to your room and set up the futons then as well.”

“That would be perfect. Thank you Tamiko-san,” Satoshi said, while Kazu just nodded. He put the bag down as the woman left them and turned around himself to take the room in. It was not very big but the space was enough for the two of them. The patio door was slightly open, causing a breeze to come into their room that brought the smell of the ocean with him.

“What do you think?”

“It’s nice,” Kazu mumbled as he opened the doors wider. He smiled at Satoshi before he pulled him out to sit on the wooden floor so that he could climb into his lap. “And comfy.”

Satoshi shook his head in amusement before laying his head on Kazu’s shoulder. “I agree,” he said after a moment. He watched the flowers, which he had no idea what they were called and the palm trees around them.

“You chose a very beautiful place,” Kazu said after a moment of silence, just basking at the moment.

“Glad you like it. I thought a big hotel with tons of people was not suited for this vacation.”

“Oh, how come?” Kazu asked in a slightly teasing voice, giggling when Satoshi’s fingers danced over his side and under his shirt to touch the skin of his stomach.

“I just wanted to make it special,” Satoshi said finally and Kazu hummed. He moved his head when the owner peaked outside, fighting a blush. It was the first time someone outside their closest family witnessed them like that and it was always a bit nerve-wracking.

“Would you like to take the refreshments out on the patio?”

Kazu shook his head and poked Satoshi. “Inside would be wonderful. We just couldn’t resist the beauty outside.”

She smiled and nodded in understanding, vanishing inside again and Kazu poked Satoshi for him to let him go so that they could go inside. “Come on I’m thirsty and a shower and maybe some lighter clothes might be better suited.”

“Mhm…” Satoshi said, now sounding sleepy and Kazu shook his head, knowing that Satoshi would take a nap after their snack. Of course, the older would be sleepy when Kazu was awake. They had their tea and snacks in silence and Kazu forced Satoshi to go shower first before he would fall asleep.

Satoshi came back with a happy smile, now wearing a yukata, which made Kazu look up in confusion.

“They are complementary in the bathroom. Wear yours after your shower!”

Kazu groaned but allowed Satoshi to pull him up and push him to the bathroom. He complained just slightly when Satoshi robbed him of his shirts and jeans before leaving again and rolling his eyes. He eyed the yukata and sighed. At least it fitted the atmosphere around the ryokan, he guessed and as they wouldn’t go to any beaches today it would be fine.

Kazu spent a bit longer under the water than Satoshi and by the time he was back Satoshi was asleep beside the low table they had their drinks on. Kazu chuckled as he walked over and picked up a glass of tea and a pamphlet to study beside Satoshi’s sleeping form to figure out what they could do here. He was glad that it was just spring and therefore not yet as hot or humid as it would be in the summer months. It was already warmer than in Tokyo as it was. He didn’t need humidity on top of it.

Today they would relax, tomorrow Kazu decided to drag Satoshi a bit sightseeing and the beach would be for the afternoons or early evenings. Kazu watched Satoshi for a second, resisting poking his cheek as he was sure that the other would beg him to go to the hot springs belonging to this place. Kazu wouldn’t mind, but that didn’t mean that Kazu couldn’t enjoy having Satoshi plead for them to go.

A/N2: Sorry, if this is not really what people expected (it isn’t what I expected but it’s a start!)

t: growing together, r: pg-13, c: ninomiya kazunari, l: chaptered, fanfiction, p: ninomiya kazunari/ohno satoshi, c: ohno satoshi

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