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Jan 08, 2006 17:06

This is madness...
My weekend:

- planned to hang out with friends Friday night but then realized couldn't leave house b/c had to walk the dog and worried that my mom or dad might call and wonder why the hell I wasn't home at 11 pm so ended up watching tv really late and then sleeping for 10 hours
- Dad picked me up Sat morning and went to his house where I was bored bored bored and ended up taking 3 hour nap
- had dinner at step-aunt and uncle's house where (thank god) weirdo step-cousin was not there
- slept for 12 hours Sat night
- sat around dad's house (more boredom) and did homework, then came back to mom's around 3

and now I am avoiding doing enivro homework which is really stupid since we have a test wednesday and I already know I'll do badly because I always do. And one-act tryouts are tomorrow and I'm already nervous about the whole thing. I feel so much more prepared for it this year and I really want everything to go perfect but at the same time it's going to be harder because I'm doing it all on my own which I like but makes me a little more nervous.

Went over script with my dad and he gave me a lot of good pointers for tightening up the ending which right now is really loosely thrown together, so at least I think the script has potential...Really what I'm most worried about is dealing with the theater people. I have nothing against theater peeps but sometimes I really don't understand how they (yes I'm generalizing here) act. I feel like if I act tough so I get good people and lots of stage time I'll be labeled as a bitch and my actors will gripe about me behind my back -- but should I care? And I can't seem to get myself into the theater crowd enough to be "one of them." But, like I keep telling myself, at least I'm better off than last year. I have more friends in theater than I ever did before and not only are they uber-nice but also invaluable to helping me out when I need it to make everything perfect.

Hmmm...going to bake macaroni for tomorrow b/c we decided to make tryouts a pot luck type meal since we'll be there for AGES and last year people were hungry and cranky towards the end. And maybe I'll try making meringues for a dessert. I'm hoping to get labeled as "Nice." Or at least "Good Cook."
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