Konichiwa ~ minna! Sashiburi ~ desu! Oh ya i just tell u all about my sport day that day right? And i bet u all must wanted to listen the song called "Black Diamond" right?
Go to this website then:
http://www.crunchyroll.com/media-420430/Shugo-Chara-AMV-Black-Diamond-Indies-Version.html And tell u all one more things I really like the singer from Johnny Enterprise! ^^ Cuz all the singer at there were so cheerful and they even sing a cheerful songs! Well tell u all actually I m a person who had a very low knowledge on this Singer & artist thinggy so plz don't laugh at me k? Anyway I always listen to Hey Say Jump's song and just 2day I found out a group of singer from JE was Tegomass! Both singer at very good in singing especially Tegoshi_san! I think he put more emotion in his voice when he sing. Don't said that I think Matsuda_san so bad actually Matsuda_san sing very nice too only that... .... well Matsuda_san have to put more emotion in his voice that all! That what i think at that time!
And now Tegoshi_san & Matsuda_san had already transfer to a singing group called "NEWS"! And looks like Matsuda_san had improve his voice! His voice now same like Tegoshi_san who had more emotion in his voice! ^^ Anyway I luv the song at NEWS! I advice u one things, u better listen their songs!
Anyway don't forget to listen Hey Say Jump's Bouken Rider and Your Seed! I luv those songs! Hehehe...
If u want 2 listen Tegomass's song, go here:
http://www.crunchyroll.com/media-260142/Tegomass-Kiss-Kaerimichi-no-Love-Song-Special-Version-English-Subtitles.html This is my favourite song in Tegomass, there is still more but i think u can find urself right? Hahaha...
Wanna listen to NEWS's song? Go here:
http://www.crunchyroll.com/media-347766/NewS-Nantoka-Narusa-Live-English-Subtitles.html It is my favourite song too! Hope all u enjoys it! ^^ Actually still got more!
Wanna listen 2 Hey Say Jump's song? Go here:
http://www.crunchyroll.com/media-409264/Hey-Say-JUMP-Your-Seed-and-Bouken-Rider-Live-English-Subtitles.htmlThis was my favourite song too actually still got more! Hehehe...
Ok, Thnk you very much for reading this! So I will post again nxt time! Sayonara! ^^
Actually my voice is worst than Matsuda_san of course! Hehehe... but still I practising! ^^ My freinds called me to sing one Tegomass song in the school! Hahaha...