Character Jobs~Harry Potter Spoilers

Jul 26, 2007 07:40

Sorry to keep posting about Harry Potter but I caught the JK Rowling interview on Today and she gave some interesting tidbits that were not in the book that I thought people would be interested in. Of course this will probably be plastered all over the net soon but whatever.

Someone asked what Harry, Ron and Hermione do and surorusingly JK Rowling answered. Ron and Harry both work in the auror department. Apparently they revolutionized this department. Hermione is very high up in the Magical Law department (It could be law enforcement department, I didn't write it down quick enough)

I am really happy this is in the book but I am glad JK Rowling shared this with us anyways. XD

I always wanted Harry to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher (I wonder who that is) but he did always want to be an Auror. It's cool that Ron and him work together. They can watch each other's back.

And I can definitely see Hermione as a top magical prosecutor, maybe even a judge. And I guess Hermione judges all the criminals that Ron and Harry bring in. XD

Also the new headmaster is someone entirely new

Edit: Oh yeah and Avatar is officially starting September 21st. :D

See the awesome season 3 poster here (spoilers of course)

harry potter

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