Avatar Double Posting

Jul 10, 2007 18:09

I meant to post this in my other post but I think this deserves it's own post. Most Avatar fans probably already saw this at the Avatar Live Journal community but here is the 1st DVD from the 3rd season with spoiler images of the main cast.

Oddly enough this came out before the 3rd season aired. I was a little skeptical at first even though it looked authentic. But it has been confirmed as official.

Katara looks awesome. I like her design the best. Sokka and Toph look pretty much the same with minor changes. And Aang has hair. I can't believe I am saying this but I don't like Aang with hair. And I am sure it is just for the DVD cover but isn't the point of him growing hair to hide his arrow? Still his hair sort of reminds me of Zuko's hair. Another parallel connection

Also rumor is that season 3 is starting in late September. So far away. This DVD will be out the end of October :(

Now if only I could get my first DVD boxset back from my friend


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