1) I saw Waitress yesterday and absolutely loved it. It's a chick flick but a really smart and realistic one. I went to the movies having no expectations either since I wasn't really sure what it was about and never saw a preview. My friends just wanted to see it and the reviews weren't bad so I thought what the hell. And I turned out to be pleasantly surprised.
2) Although I heard there might be people subbing Saiunkoku since they are already 10 episodes behind the 2nd season I decided to follow the series raw and rely on these summaries:
http://scrumptious.animeblogger.net/category/series/saiunkoku-monogatari-ii/I've only seen up to episode 6 so far but I plan to catch up so I can watch it on a weekly basis and if they start being subbed so much the better.
The 2nd season is just as enjoyable as the first and maybe even more so because I really know and love the characters now:
Kouyuu is told by Kurou (one of Shuurei's uncle's) that he can take over the Kou clan if he marries Shuurei. Basically the marriage will be political, it will keep Shuurei in the Kou family and will also give her the best opportunity to be free to be a state official.
Kouyuu thinks about the positives and negatives about this relationship. Besides the positives Kurou mentions, Shouko (Shuuree's father) would be his father in law (I think he is more happy about this than Shuurei) but then he realizes his father Reishin (who is Shuurei's uncle) will be her father in law and that would complicate things and Kouyuu would have to deal with both Ryuuki and Seiran. Of course Shuurei has no idea what is going on (in some ways she is very similar to Haruhi from Ouran in this respect) and when she sees Kouyuu off in his own world, blushing and banging his head against the pole she things he is sick from being overworked by Reishin. XD
Eventually though Kouyuu calms down and there is this really sweet scene where he wipes orange off her hands. However that being said I am not a fan of Kouyuu/Shuurei. I just think it is sweet how much Kouyuu seems to care about her now. In fact Kouyuu realizes that the reason he was nervous about marrying Shuurei is because he doesn't want to change how things are now that he is very happy. Originally Kouyuu only thought of Reishin (his adoptive father) but we see him thinking of Ran Shuuei, Seiran, Ryuuki, Kurou, Reishin, Shouka, and Shuurei all as people he has come to really care about (this is similar to something Seiran told Sa Sokujin in the 1st season) and marrying Shuurei even politically will change that dynamic.
Though with all this development that Kouyuu is getting and all the characters I am sort of worried that his character will start having less sceentime. I did read a spoiler that Ran Shuuei chooses his family over the emperor and that would probably mean more screentime for Kouyuu because he is very close with Shuuei (despite his denials). I also like this storyline because I feel we know so little about Shuuei. Although I hope it ends up that Shuuei was doing this for the emperor's sake after all because I would be heartbroken if the Shuuei/Ryuuki/Kouyuu trio ended. D:
Next we have Eigetsu and Kourin's relationship finally moving forward (they even kiss) and we find out Eigetsu is going to die soon and his other half will take over. While I like drama, I feel really bad for Kourin. She already lost one person close to her and now it looks like she might lose Eigetsu. Oh and the kiss scene was so sweet. D:
Also the new storyline about the cult and the disease really interests me. The villagers are blaming it on Shuurei because she is the first female governor. I am also happy that Shuurei will probably be giving up her role as govenor after this crisis and move onto something else. Although I am not surprised by this since it seems the story will be focusing on all the 8 clans.
Though the character who stole the show is Reishin (Kouyuu's adoptive father and Shuurei's uncle). His obsession and jealousy over Shuurei has reached new levels. But my favorite part is when he finally finished all his work since Shuurei called the head of the civil affairs office lazy. Only Shuurei could get him to work and she doesn't even know it. Seeing the Civil Affairs staff collapsed on the floor was hilarious. XDDDDDDDDD
3) And Most Importantly:
Happy Birthday
Csakuras and I know I am a little early but also Happy Birthday
amewarashi I hope you both get lots of cool presents and have a really awesome birthday. :)
Here is a kitty and a duck for you both :D