The Whole Moe Thing

Apr 19, 2007 13:09

So it's been a very slow day at work today. Hardly anyone has come in. Of course when I was at lunch apparently there was this huge rush that I missed. Sigh

So anyways I've been thinking of this whole Moe fetish that is really popular in anime and I don't get it. It's a little hard to pinpoint exactly what Moe is. People say it is about caring about the character the whole Awww factor. Okay this I can understand. Pretty much every character I love it's because I grow to care about them. I am not attracted to cartoon characters except for maybe Ginko from Mushishi so for me loving a character is never because I think the character is hot (even though unfortunately for me I do tend to like the fangirl favorites a lot.)

I mean I guess I have Moe feelings for the entire Fullmetal Alchemist manga cast, Luffy, hell all of the Straw Hat Pirates, The Avatar cast, the Furuba cast, The Princess Tutu cast, Takemoto from Honey and Clover, etc, etc (I am not going to list every character I love). If they were real I would totally want to hug them all.

But I tend to see characters that are considered Moe are extremely cute almost like little children and also usually extremely helpless. And a lot of times the line between Moe and Loli is extremely thin. And this I don't like. I don't like perfect or helpless characters. I think these are two extremes that make characters more annoying than anything else. I like characters with flaws but I also like characters who overcome these flaws. Or I like it when there is more to a character than what you would initally think. This to me is a good character. Not the type that falls down when they walk and makes stupid noises just to sound cute.

One example is Hagu from Honey and Clover. She is an extremely Moe character. Very cute (looks like a little girl) and is very dependent on others. Although when I say this Hagu ends up being stronger than she appears so later on in the series I do grow to like her. But I didn't like how Hagu was presented in the show at the beginning at all.

And although it's a parody I can't bring myself to like Asahina because of her Moe qualities. But Kyon must be a Moe fan since he loves her. XD

Also somewhat related I actually did sort of like the second episode of Lucky Star (at least more than the first). I hate the Moeness and the character designs. But Konata voiced by Aya Hirano is a pretty fun character. I love how she is an Otaku. I also sort of like the studious one of the two sisters. The other two characters I can take or leave. But I'll keep watching it for now.

So yeah the point of this is I don't get the whole Moe thing at all. I have a feeling that no one on my FL is into Moe either. But I just don't get the appeal. XD

anime, moe, lucky star

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