Some more audios from Big Finish

May 11, 2014 10:36


I guess I have become a full Big Finish aficionado if I actually bought a companion chronicle with a Big Finish created companion: Charley Pollard.
And while Charley isn’t on quite the same level as Evelyn for me, I have grown quite fond of the Edwardian adventurer. Enough that besides this purchase I also bought all of her adventured with the 6th Doctor (BF had a recent sale) and I am making my way through her adventures with the 8th Doctor. I might even consider getting her box set in the future. So yes bottom line I like Charley.
However as for Solitaire itself I have to say…well based on the accolades and praise this gets I guess I was expecting more. I didn’t dislike it but I can’t say I really loved it either. The acting and sound design was very good don’t get me wrong…. Maybe after this and the Queen of Time I am just not into the Toymaker stories. I never did watch the actual 1st Doctor serial (or listen since most of it is missing) and I am not sure I want to now. Maybe this type of story just isn’t for me. The games and riddles just don’t catch my fancy I guess. One thing I will say is I did love the ambiguity of the ending so at least despite being somewhat disappointed the audio left me on a positive note.


Oh this was wonderful and the more I think about it the more wonderful it becomes. That’s not to say it was perfect, the story hinges on the audience questioning on whether Davros is faking turning good or not and while that part is played very well his conversion back to the same old Davros happens a bit too quickly for me like they ran out of time, despite the fact that this audio is 3 hours long and thus longer than usual.
But still the performances are top notch: Terry Molly is fantastic as Davros and Big Finish created a really compelling back story for him which really works. You wonder why Doctor Who didn’t do more back stories because so far they seem to make some of the best stories for Who (This, Genesis, and Spare Parts). Colin Baker is also fantastic and I can’t think of a better Doctor to go up against Davros. This story is dark and dramatic but with Colin Baker you have time for humor and seeing him get on Davros nerves is just priceless. “You can’t have team without tea”. Lol
But besides the regulars we also get some Classic guest stars, Wendy Padbury plays a misguided Dalek apologist and its terrific to hear her in a role other than Zoe. Frankly I think this could have been what Zoe could be like if she didn’t meet the Doctor and that is kind of frightening to think about.
But then playing her husband is Bernard Horsfall who played Gulliver in the Mind Robber (along with many other Doctor Who roles). It was great fun for me to discover he was in this story and I am so happy Big Finish used him.

Peri and the Piscon Paradox:

While Peri isn’t necessarily my favorite companion I heard a lot of great things about this and I have to say they weren’t lying. The first two episodes with young Peri and the 5th Doctor aren’t anything special, it is only when you listen to the 2nd Half when you hear what is really going on with older Peri (and a special guest star) that this story really shines and then the first part becomes stronger too. It manages to be both funny and tragic and you really feel for Peri in the end.
And besides the meeting of the two versions of Peri, there is another meeting (well not a true meeting per say) which ends up being a lot of fun. This is the perfect story to show what Big Finish can do that the TV series couldn’t, I don’t even think the new series would do something as clever as this.

I also listened to Seasons of Fear & Neverland but I think I will review them after I finish Zagreus which I will be starting on Monday.

big finish, doctor who

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