Doctor Who: Goodbye Matt Smith

Dec 26, 2013 09:43

Unlike most Doctor Who fans I don't really have a Doctor. I love most of the Doctors from the Classic ones to the ones that appeared in New Who.

However while I started with 10 in the middle of his run, 11 was the first Doctor that I first watched from start to finish. I was one of those people who thought he was too young when he was first cast but he completely won me over with his performance.

I was bit disappointed in his last season (after Clara joined) and I thought his last episode was a bit convoluted (I did really enjoy the 50th anniversary episode however) but right to the end I enjoyed 11 and Matt Smith.

So despite some disappointments he is definitely my favorite of the New Who Doctors. I will especially miss the trio of Amy/Doctor/Rory.

That being said I am looking forward to Peter Capaldi's turn as the Doctor. I did like Clara in the last episode but I think she lacked the chemistry 11 had with Amy/Rory so I hope that changes with 12. Actually now that we have an older Doctor I wouldn't mind having more companions besides Clara. In fact I would sort of like a Doctor that takes a more "fatherly" role again. And well I tend to like when there is more than just one companion & the Doctor in the Tardis (Hence while I liked Amy/The Doctor I liked Amy/Rory/Doctor even more).

I don't really understand how the Doctor got more regenerations but I am not going to worry about that. It was bound to happen. lol

Now to look forward to more Sherlock. I really enjoyed the mini-episode so hope the full episode is just as good on New Years Day!

sherlock holmes, doctor who

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