Star Trek Novels

Jun 23, 2013 10:56

So in my previous post about Star Trek fanfiction and not finding what I want I have turned to the numerous Star Trek novels published over the years. I never thought I would find myself reading Star Trek novels (well I never thought I would be this into Star Trek considering this is not the first time I watched it).

I had little interest in tie in novels in the past. I used to be a big Star Wars fan but I never cared about reading more about the world & characters. Maybe because I felt the original trilogy was perfect as it is (and maybe that is why my enthusiasm has waned the more they tried to do with it).

I also never cared to read the Doctor Who novels. Maybe because just with Classic Who I haven't even begun to watch everything there is and I don't feel I need any more adventures with the New Who characters. I also don't even know what Doctor's adventures I'd want to read about as unlike most Who fans I don't even have a favorite Doctor. My favorite character is Sarah Jane. And I did read one SJA novel but frankly it wasn't very good.

The only other tie in novels I read were for Fullmetal Alchemist. They actually got better as they went on and they included art by Arakawa which was a plus but I think FMA is the most perfect series ever so it's not like I even feel a need for more (especially if it is not written for Arakawa).

I also bought a Natsume Yuujinchou novel but again that was more for the manga-ka's art since the novel is untranslated. I did read a translation of one of the stories (and there is another one out there) but it was just okay. It is obviously not written by Midoriokawa.

This brings me back to the Star Trek novels, maybe because Star Trek is so episodic and the 1960's didn't allow it to explore everything in depth but I found so many I am interested in reading. The story lines interest me way more than the fanfiction I have found (which has characters acting terribly OOC). So far I've bough 5 and have about 12 more on my Amazon wish list. My kindle has been a real danger to me since it is just so easy to buy another novel.

Of course my major requirement for Star Trek novels is McCoy either as the main character or central in some ways to the story. I realize without a doubt that McCoy is my favorite Trek character and he probably more than anything has made me a fan. I mean I watched ST before but I just never paid much attention to McCoy, but he is what made everything click for me including the friendship themes of the story, where they hadn't for me before. Oh I always knew about Spock/Kirk and liked that aspect of Star Trek but I love Spock/McCoy/Kirk and I can't even entirely explain why McCoy was that missing link for me and why when people discount him I get upset and want to rant and rave at them lol. And I do plan to do a friendship analysis one of these days. I just know he is fast becoming one of my favorite characters.

So yeah while there is still probably more Kirk and/or Spock novels, McCoy is pretty well represented in the novel verse. Of course a lot of the novels I am interested in have been contradicted by TV canon over the years (Star Trek has too long of a history) but I personally don't care about that as long as I get a good story.

Right now I am reading a story called Doctor's Orders which has McCoy in charge of the enterprise. The reason for this is actually pretty implausible but the author (Diane Duane, who seems to have written the most books I am interested in) writes McCoy perfectly. I can actually hear Deforest Kelley in my head when I read her dialogue. And implausible or not I like how Diane has written a situation for McCoy that the series could not.

And I was going to write about Wheel of Time in this post but this was getting to long so I'll stop there.

star trek, doctor who, reading, natsume yuujinchou, sarah jane, fanfiction, fandom, hagaren

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