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Rose_of_Pollux Besides the anime of the year post I also do this fandom meme every year. Usually it combines anime with my other non-anime interests but honestly this year work & school full time I had little time for anything but anime. I even fell really behind on my classic film watching, something I hope to rectify once school is over next summer. So yeah here is me spamming LJ once again today (well I barely posted this year so it should be alright).
1. Your main fandom of the year:
It's easily Natsume Yuujinchou which I've always been a fan of but got really into this year especially in a collecting sense.
2. Your favorite Film this year:
Really have not seen many memorable films this year as I said in my last post seeing the latest One Piece film in Japan was such a wonderful experience so I will have to vote for that.
I also really enjoyed the live action Rurouni Kenshin film. It's something that I think will appeal more to fans than anything but I thought the casting was spot on especially for Saitou, Kaoru, Megumi and Kenshin who did a phenomenal job in the lead role.
But then I still need to see the Hobbit.
edit: I completely forgot seeing North by Northwest with Eva Marie Saint in attendance. Of course I saw this movie before (even own it) but it was a memorable & wonderful experience.
3. Your favorite Book read this year:
Anything that wasn't school related...that's really all I had time for this year :(
Usually I wouldn't put manga in this category but as it is all I had time for it will be the Natsume Yuujinchou manga which I can't believe I took this long to read.
I do want to read more this coming year but it will be something that won't happen until the summer.
4. Your favorite Album or Song this year:
Takaramono from Natsume Shi
5. Your favorite TV Show this year:
Didn't really get into any new TV series but as mentioned on my previous thread as far as anime series: Chihayafuru, Natsume Shi, Tsuritama, & Shirokuma Cafe.
6. Your favorite Community this year:
Yuujinchou without a doubt.
7. Your best new Fandom Discovery of the Year?
Well Chihayafuru was last year so I am going to say that a comedy about animals would keep me engaged for a whole year (Shirokuma Cafe)
8. Your biggest Fandom Disappointment of the Year?
Definitely losing Richard Dawson but also my lack of time for film and reading. I hope to make up for that in the 2nd half of the year.
9. Your favorite TV Boy of the year:
Kamiya Hiroshi
10. Your favorite TV Girl of the year:
OSCARRRRR (because Rose of Versailles was finally licensed)
11. Your biggest Squee moment of the year?
As I mentioned above Rose of Versailles being licensed (something I didn't dream would happen) & Chihayafuru getting a 2nd season & as mentioned above seeing North by Northwest with Eva Marie Saint.
But I suppose the best thing that happened to me this year that is related to fandom would be going to Japan. It was a great way to end 2012.
12. Your most Missed Old Fandom?
Fullmetal Alchemist & the people from the Hogan's Heroes fandom. I mean we are still friends but we all moved onto different fandoms, which happens!
13. Your Fandom that you haven't Tried Yet, but want to?
Well I hope to finish Legend of the Galactic Heroes this year. I am at the early part of the 3rd season currently.
Oh and I also have March Comes in Like a Lion on my kindle which is a series I've wanted to read for awhile having been a fan of Honey & Clover & hearing good things.
14. Your Biggest Anticipations of the New Year?
More Chihayafuru, Natsume Yuujinchou 10th anniversary, owning Rose of Versailles (there is a lot to look forward to).