Spring Anime 2012

Apr 28, 2012 09:53

Well I think I have finalized what I am watching for the spring. Most people have already done this already but I am a little slow (and I am wasting time instead of working).

My Favorites

Legend of Korra: Yes yes I know it's not anime but it's probably the only American animated series as good as anime for me, with interesting characters & world. The original Avatar series is not only my favorite animated US TV program, I am going to go as far as say it is my favorite American TV series (hey at least it's the only one that I actually loved to the ending).

Now I am a bit worried about the obvious set up for love triangles in the series. I am not a big fan of triangles for the most part but I will give Bryke the benefit of the doubt that everything will come together well, after all I doubted them after Zuko's betrayal at the end of the 2nd season & that still turned out beautifully in the end.

Shirokuma Cafe Yes I have no shame I am in love with this show. I originally watched it because of the seiyuu but after a rough week watching this series just makes me incredibly happy in indescribable ways. I adore the 3 characters: Panda, Polar Bear, and Penguin; actually I love every character including Panda's boss at the zoo and the girl who helps out Polar Bear. I also love how the series is making fun of the concept of animals doing human stuff; but really it is making fun of the absurdity of humans doing this stuff too. I am still a bit worried that I will get tired of the premise but for now it's my feel good series of the season.

Uchuu Kyoudai I guess there is just something about Hiroaki Hirata playing old men for me & actually Luffy's seiyuu is in this too. ♥

I love the concept of following one's dream even as an adult, even when at that age others are telling you to settle down and give up on your dreams. It's just a theme that really works for me. Plus I love the main character's relationship with his younger brother but also his friend Kenji.

However I love love the main female character Serika..she is awesome in every way possible (please give her a better ending than Ai Tanabe in Planetes though).

An enjoyable Double Feature

noitaminA seems to back in full form with a wonderful Josei Sakamichi no Apollon by the powerhouse of Watanabe and Yoko Kanno & a whimiscal tale about fishing directed by Kenji Nakamura Tsuritama probably his best since Mononoke in my opinion.

Honestly I am enjoying these two series equally. As I said above I see them as a great double feature with both dealing with a main character who moves around a lot and hence has trouble making friends. Sakamichi is more straight drama, Tsuritama is more metaphorical.

In Sakamichi my favorite character so far Sentaro surprised me. I don't think I usually go for his character type, but something about the contrast between his tough boy image and his love for jazz and obviously his kind heart underneath really hit it off for me (I do wish he noticed Ritsuko more though). At times I think Kaouru doesn't appreciate Sentaro enough but then I realize he isn't used to having friends & I expect that will change as the series goes on. My only worry about Sakamichi is the obvious fast pace trying to fit 9 volumes into one cour (how they give Guilty Crown 22 episodes and this only 11, I don't get it).

As for Tsuritama I am loving the developing friendship between Yuki & Natsuki, I don't know it just hits all my major squee buttons. Plus Akira & Tapioca are the cutest "bad guys" ever...well I am not even sure if they are really bad I am just making an assumption. The only character that does sort of annoy me at times is Haru (I guess I am just not into his character type) however I do feel it is sweet how he is trying to be a good friend to Yuki. And I never knew fishing could be so exciting XD.

The Rest

Fate Zero Yes I am still enjoying Fate Zero. I honestly wasn't so keen on the 1st two episodes (except a great moment with Saber) but the 3rd episode did move up my esteem and it was the best written of the 2nd series so far. Still with the exception of the Rider & Waver team (and to a lesser extend Saber & Lancer) I feel mostly unattached to the characters (although the last episode did hurt my soul a bit). It's like I feel like I am more of an outside observed than someone who is becoming emotionally involved in these characters. Although with Gen Urobuchi at the helm it might be a good idea to not get too attached...just please do not give Rider & Waver a bad end.

Also Fate Zero is taking the place of Game of Thrones for me. I don't have the time for Game of Thrones this season but I think Fate Zero is a similar dark/fantasy series. I think both series have their pluses and minuses but at least I know the 4th & 5th book of ASOIAF is not going to happen to FZ.

One Piece I dropped Hunter X Hunter last week, not because I wasn't enjoying it but because following 2 lonnnnnng series was too much for me and I just have long time loyalty to the Straw Hats (whereas with Hunter X Hunter I only really love Gon & Killua).

Although I love the story of One Piece my one complaint about the anime is it's way tooooo slow. I guess it is better than too much filler but part of me wishes they would do more hiatuses and just speed things up a bit. If I could I would catch up with the manga but I am way too behind at this point.

edit: And yes all the series I am following are animated, when I have any other free time to watch anything it will most likely be dedicated to something on TCM. :)

tcm, anime, legend of korra, asoiaf, avatar, one piece

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