Natsume Yuujinchou~My Favorite Episodes

Oct 11, 2011 20:38

I've been meaning to do this post for awhile but I didn't have the time till now. Maybe I should have waited until after the 4th season aired but I guess I will just have more favorite episodes then.

I recommended this series to both rose_of_pollux & Marie1964 but they never listen to me so I thought maybe this post would spark their interest or someone else's who has not already seen this wonderful series (but for those of you who have I am curious to know your favorite episodes as well). :)

Anyways In general out of a season of 13 eps I generally have 5 favorite stories (I count a 2 parter as 1 story). Natsume tends to have a mixture of excellent to good to so-so episodes. I think the so-so episodes is why I give Natsume an 8.5 instead of a 9. But don't get me wrong it is still one of my favorite series. On an individual level not every episode is a masterpiece but what I love about Natsume Yuujinchou is even though it is an episodic series as a whole the story of Natsume's development is wonderfully told in every season.

In the early seasons we have this lonely orphaned teenage boy who hates the power that he has (to see Youkai) but as the series progresses he slowly begins to accept his power as gift and realize that he would not be happy if he lost it. In earlier seasons Natsume's main interaction is with youkai but as the series progresses he definitely grows closer to humans as well.

The title Natsume Yuujinchou (or Natsume's Book of Friends) is both literal and figurative. In the literal sense it is about a powerful book that was passed onto Natsume by his grandmother that has the names of Youkai/Spirits that she made her friends/servants. Natsume takes the task among himself to return the names of the Youkai to their owners. However in the figurative sense as Natsume has adventures with youkai and humans he realizes he does have people who love & care about him (something that he was sadly missing as a child until he came to live in his present town).

There are several important relationships Natsume develops throughout the series (I won't go into them all) but one of the main ones is with a youkai that takes a form of a Calico Cat (the pic above is his real form). Natsume calls him Nyanko-Sensei (basically Master Kitty). Nyanko-Sensei says he only stays by Natsume's side because he will give him the book of friends when he dies but you can tell that Nyanko-Sensei really does grow fond of Natsume and wants to protect him because he cares (and Natsume needs protection he is always getting himself in dangerous situations trying to help others). XD

Anyways I decided to limit my favorite stories to Top 3 per season (with the exception of the 1st season since I can't decide between 2 episodes).

I'm lazy so episode synopsis are taking from Wikipedia

Season 1

Episode 6: Swallow at the Lake Bottom

There were enjoyable episodes before this but this was the first stand out episode of the series IMO

Natsume is possessed by a swallow spirit, who wishes to meet a human who once helped her. Natsume agrees to help her and the two grow attached. When Swallow finds the human, Natsume feels bad that she can't actually meet him, but when of he hears of a kimono that can turn a spirit into a human for a day, he looks for it.

Episode 7: The Little Fox's Hat

Probably the most heartwarming episode of the series (this character comes back a few times in the show, but nothing beats the original I guess)

Natsume goes to a hot spring for a school trip, with an errand from Shigeru to pick up teacups from a nearby pottery. While there he meets and helps a little fox spirit, who quickly grows attached to him.

Episode 8: Fleeting Light

Maybe my favorite episode of season 1 because of the way it deals with the possibility of Natsume losing his ability to see spirits and what that might mean to him.

Natsume meets a spirit who used to be friends with a man who could also see spirits, but one day lost this ability.

Episode 10: Asagi's Koto

This episode is just a the perfect mixture of sweet & sad but there are also plenty of humorous moments of seeing Natsume possessed by a "female" youkai.

Natsume is possessed by a sick koto player, whose friend wants her to be able to play one last time.

Season 2

Episode 6 & 7: The Maiden's Circle/What Must Not Be Called

Of all the recurring human characters in the series, Taki (introduced in these 2 episodes) is probably my favorite. I sympathize with her because we both obsess over cats. :)

There is a new girl in school, Taki Tooru. With her appearance at the school, circles resembling crop circles begin to appear. As Natsume tries to find out more about the circles and Taki, he is visited by another Youkai. Only this time the Youkai isn't looking for his name, but for a snack. (synopsis for 1st ep only.

Episode 10: Temporary Home

All seasons have at least one episode focusing on Natsume's grandmother Reiko, this is probably my favorite one in the way it ties together the past & present. Plus it deals with Natsume's foster father Shigeru, a character I really enjoy.

Strange things start happening at Natsume's home, like Toukou's plants get destroyed, and a strange Youkai starts wandering around his house. Natsume then learns more about Reiko and her life in this town. He also learns how to get rid of the Youkai who's wandering around the house.

Episode 12 & 13: The Young Boy in the Empty House/Humans and Ayakashi

This is a fantastic set of episode that deals with the conflict of Natsume befriending humans and youkai (the latter who can be dangerous to humans).

Natsume encounters a young boy named Kai sealed in a coffin in an abandoned house. Natsume sets Kai free and finds out that Kai is being stalked by a youkai. After a time, Natsume becomes the target of this youkai and stops the youkai's stalking with Nyanko-sensei's help (synopsis of first episode only)

Season 3

Episode 3: False Friend

Season 3 was very much of Natsume's past catching up to him and how he comes to an understanding and acceptance of negative things that happened to him in the past. This episode very wonderfully deals with Natsume coming face to face with a kid who used to bully him. But it is also a really well done youkai/human romance story.

It's Shigeru's birthday and Touko has asked Natsume to buy some strawberry shortcakes to celebrate. However, Shibata, an old classmate of Natsume's, finds him and asks for his help. He remembered Natsume used to say weird things, so he wanted to know if a girl he's been seeing is real or not.

Episode 4: Young Days

Throughout the series there are many flashbacks of Natsume as a child but this is the first episode that is entirely focused on his period of his life. It is also told from the perspective of a youkai who knew Natsume as a child. Just a great episode all around!

The story then was told by a youkai on a tree that Natsume met when he was still young. The youkai is bored that no human can see it, but it suddenly remembered about Natsume and how they met. It often scares young Natsume because Natsume can see it. Both of them parted ways in an awkward manner.

Episode 12: A Place to Go Home To

This episode deals with how Natsume ends up in his current home after being shifted from relative to relative. Both a sad and heartwarming story that has one of the best "evil" Youkai of the story in the way that the youkai really gets to Natsume emotionally.

When a dangerous youkai from Natsume's past finds his current home, he comes down with a fever and dreams about his life right before moving in with the Fujiwaras.

Finally I read the latest translated manga chapter (Also dealing with Natsume's past). I hope it gets animated for the 4th season as I know it will definitely be a favorite episode of mine. It focuses Natsume's parents and it's just really lovely.

On an unrelated note someone wrote up this great post on Nodame Cantabile here I guess the only thing it has to do with Natsume Yuujinchou is they are both great anime/manga series that happen to start with N. ;)

nodame cantabile, natsume yuujinchou, anime review

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