It's been Unwittingly a Doctor Who Week

Aug 21, 2011 16:05

First I got in two very different debates with people about the show (sorry athena_crikey but even though we didn't agree I enjoyed our discussion.)

Yamikakyuu has been watching the show and tweeting about it so that has put me in a Doctor Who mood.

Then yesterday Everlasting_day told me the new episodes were starting up on Saturday (YAY!) I honestly had no idea. And let's ignore the fact that I barely have time to watch the stuff I am watching now.

Finally today I learned the show won a Hugo for best dramatic presentation/short form for the Pandorica Box/Big Bang

Now personally of the nominated episodes my favorite was Vincent and the Doctor (Christmas Carol was also nominated). But Pandorica Box/Big Bang was my favorite series finale out of all NuWho seasons so I definitely do not begrudge its win.

It also made me realize that Moffat has won a lot of Hugos for Doctor Who from: The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances, Blink, and Girl in the Fireplace.

Next Year I expect Neil Gaiman has a pretty good chance with The Doctor's Wife.

And now I will just post this random Doctor Who/Eleven tribute I love

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neil gaiman, doctor who

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