Gene Kelly Kick

Oct 05, 2010 15:40

I've been on a Gene Kelly kick recently. I read an interview with him in my AFI book (which I am slowly reading on the side so it will last longer) and then found this tribute video to him (under the cut). So I am sharing that and a bunch of his famous dances. Sadly a few of the dances I wanted to share did not have embedding options but I think this is a good taste of gene. XD

Anyways most people know Gene for his on camera work as an actor, singer and especially a dancer. But keep in mind he also choreographed most of the dances himself and was also a director.

As for that age old question Fred or Gene I don't answer that. They are different and I cherish them both. And while this post is about Gene, Fred does make an appearance.

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Musical Tribute

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On Roller Skates

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Summer Stock

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Mirror Dance

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An little Irish Tap

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With Fred Astaire

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With Judy Garland

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With Julie Andrews

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Singing in the Rain

And one commercial where I would not want to change the channel. XD

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classic film, musicals

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