So Durarara

Jun 25, 2010 22:38

During the first arc of Durarara I had a discussion (I believe with rainmage and hamsterfactor) about which series I liked more Baccano or Durarara. At the time I said I wasn't really sure and was enjoying them both equally. In fact early on I thought Durarara even had the potential to surpass Baccano. In the end though that didn't actually happen and now I can say Baccano is definitely the superior of the two series.

In the end I feel Durarara's best arc was its first when it was focusing on Mikado and Celty. Even though I was spoiled for it I still felt the twist that Mikado was the founder of the Dollars to be the coolest moment of the series. Nothing else really surpassed that.

Anri and Kida are not bad characters themselves but unfortunately the Slashes and Yellow Scarves were just not interesting groups. The Yellow Scarves were especially infuriating in how absolutely one dimensional they were. Horoda was just pathetic and annoying. I was so glad to see Shizuo take him down (good riddance...I hope he stays in jail).

I also really didn't appreciate that most of the drama in the final half was due to characters just not speaking to each other which is one of my pet peeves.

I guess overall the ending was fine. There was a nice final moment between Kida/Anri/Mikado. Although admittedly they spent so long keeping secrets from each other I am not sure if I ever really got their friendship. Now on the other hand I did like the friendship that developed between Celty and the kids.

As for the rest of the ending I liked: Kadota infiltrating the yellow scarves, the Anri/Izaya moment, and Simon punching Izaya. I also loved the final chat scene.

In the end though the series did not seem to flow as well as Baccano and there seemed to be one too many characters who really didn't do much. Another thing is while I loved pretty much all the pairings in Baccano the only pairing I actually cared for in Durarara was Erika/Walker.

Durarara's greatest strength in my opinion was how it made Ikebukuro come alive. The city was almost a character in itself. Unfortunately I felt the series needed to work on some other aspects.
Well there is one more bonus episode to go but I don't think one episode will change my opinion too much.

Off Topic Edit: So I have not been able to afford a lot of anime recently and unfortunately I have to hold off buying new releases. However Oofuri is coming out with a complete collection in August for under $30 which I think is a really good price.

The problem is Funimation decided to make their new Complete Collection Sets as ugly as possible. I mean just look at that hideous spine. I probably will still get it but I am disappointed.

edit 2 Okay I am doing a little more research on this S.A.V.E thing and it seems you should be able to get rid of that green spine. Either it will be a sticker or a reversible cover....that's a relief. :)

oofuri, baccano

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