No You Did Not Just Do That To Me Oda

Feb 05, 2010 10:53

So I was 10 chapters behind on One Piece and I finally caught up.....

Okay I have mixed feelings about this arc. For one thing I am starting to miss the other Straw Hats and there is a lot of action with a lot of characters which I have trouble following. (Yeah I know One Piece is an action series but I am more into the character moments.)

But I love all the Ace/Luffy Brotherly Love Moments, and seeing more of Buggy, Mr. 3 & Bon Clay. Not to mention getting to know more about White Beard was awesome.

I also squeed with delight when I saw moments like this

And then and then after all that wonderful Brotherly Love and all that effort that went into freeing Ace I have to think it was all for naught & Ace might be dead.

Actually I don't know what to think because no one ever dies in One Piece's present time so I am trying to hold out hope it's just a trick. But Ace's paper is burning up and Luffy's face broke my heart. Oh god I don't care about drama or characters coming back when they appeared dead. Please don't let Ace die ;_______________________;

edit: I've been reading opinions online and I did forget about Iva. So that gives me more hope.

one piece

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