My Cat Midnight

Jan 03, 2010 13:32

I walked into the bathroom and saw my cat Midnight sitting in the sink, so of course I had to snap a photo. And luckily my camera phone cooperated for once (I guess because the light in my bathroom is pretty strong)

And then I took a close up of her (I just love her face so much)

On another note I watched the Doctor Who finale last night night and I actually really enjoyed it. It wasn't perfect and I had some issues (mainly with the villains) but it had a lot of nice quiet moments for the characters and was definitely less absurd & hectic overall than Part 1. It was a good send off for Tennant I thought.

Mind you I didn't think a regeneration needed to be that sorrowful or the Doctor needed to be that upset about it. But I guess it was RTD's and Tennant's last day so I sort of understand they wanted to give the 10th Doctor a real farewell. I also liked the Master's last scene a lot as well. It was also nice to see a lot of familiar faces in this episode (I am not sure if I am happy with all the marriages though. I don't mind a well written romance but sometimes I feel the writers think romance is the only way characters can ever be truly happy.)

And finally I know it was only a few seconds but I was impressed with Matt Smith's regeneration. I still wish they had cast someone older but he made me laugh so I am hoping for a less moody interpretation of the Doctor this time around. I did really like David but I do think his Doctor got a bit too dark for me at times and I definitely think it was the right time for him to go.

cats, doctor who

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