2009 Fandom Related Survey

Dec 29, 2009 21:12

I know I know another end of the year survey but this one is more fun than the last one because it's all fandom related. :)

Your main fandom of the year?
Fullmetal Alchemist Manga is of course my reliable old friend. But although I am not a new fan of Classic Films I think I started to get more into the fandom itself this year and definitely Hogan's Heroes which is completely new for me. At least I think most of the new people on my FL are from the Classic Film and Hogan's Heroes fandom. :)

Your favorite film watched this year?
I am repeating myself a little from the last survey but definitely Pixar's Up (only counting 2009 films, if I counted every film I actually watched this year I couldn't narrow it down to one or even a few favorites)

Your favorite book read this year?
And again Tolstoy's Anna Karenina, an absolutely amazing book with very realistic situations and characters.

Your favorite album or song to listen to this year?
The Remastered Beatles Albums duh! Right now I only own Abbey Road & Rubber Soul Remastered but I hope to get more in the future. :)

Your favorite TV show of the year?
Anime Wise Cross Game, TV Wise Re-runs of Match Game 197X (and I never knew how in love I could be over a game show but for me Match Game is not really a game show just pure zaniness & fun. I would love to go back in time and go on Match Game and it has nothing to do with the money. I just want to hang out with Gene Rayburn and his B-rated panel of celebrities. :)

Your favourite LJ community of the year?
Probably stalag_13 . It might not be the most active community but I am amazed that it's active at all since the series ended in 1970 (and it's not like HH is Star Trek or something). And the people there are all really nice.

Your best new fandom discovery of the year?
Hogan's Heroes which I discovered through Match Game. I heard about the series before but I was never that interested (I mean I already had all my favorite classic sitcoms).

Anyways while the series isn't the most complex thing ever it's a lot of fun. A bunch of international heroes take on "Nazis" in a POW Camp. The background of the cast itself is even more compelling. And while I don't normally like fanfiction I eat up Hogan's Heroes fanfiction just because the fans can make the characters more complex and can dig deeper than the show ever could.

Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year?
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, it's not bad just not nearly as good as the manga deserves.

Your Fandom boyfriend of the year?

I can't only name one for this category:

While Cary Grant will always be my favorite classic actor I have really fallen in love with Fredric March, Jean Gabin, and Toshiro Mifune this year. And because of my love for Match Game and Hogan's Heroes I also have to say Richard Dawson. What do my choices say about me...I love old and dead men. ;)

Your Fandom girlfriend of the year?
Right now I am going to say it's Winry from Hagaren because I see a lot of dumb people bashing her and what the hell do they know. They wish they were as awesome as Winry. Actually all the female characters from FMA are my girlfriends. But as for a new character I have also fallen in love with Aoba from Cross Game.

* I don't know why I went with fictional characters for the girlfriend question and rl actors for the boyfriend question.

Your biggest squee moment of the year?
Probably something FMA related, every month it makes me squee and die a thousand deaths at how utterly awesome Arakawa is. What will I do without it when it's over I have no idea?

The most missed of your old fandoms?
I definitely miss the craziness of watching each Gurren Lagann episode each week (that was so much fun). And although I don't really miss the batshit crazy shippers I do miss the anticipation of new Avatar episodes.

The fandom you haven't tried yet, but want to?
I don't know how to answer this because my FL has been pretty quiet with the fandom squee overall this year. I guess I hope to discover more classic films this year. And I really need to see Mamoru Hosoda's Summer Wars.

Your biggest fan anticipations for the New Year?
More Fullmetal Alchemist chapters oh and I guess the new Nodame Cantabile anime/live action films (but honestly I was a bit disappointed in the manga ending).  And more classic films to discover (Hollywood and non-Hollywood)

Also this looks kind of cool But that being said I have had harder time keeping up with a lot of new anime series nowadays. I really need to finish reading the Touch manga as well.

nodame cantabile, gurren lagann, hogans heroes, anime review, classic film, avatar, match game, anime, cross game, hagaren

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