The Wedding of Sarah Jane

Oct 30, 2009 20:51

An alright two episodes. Not as strong as last week's but better than the first one from this season.

I feel like the writers had to give Sarah Jane a romance to fulfill her and it really bothered me. I don't mind a good romance when it develops naturally. But I hate when romance is written for the sake of romance which is what I feel was the case here. True she is not really married to the guy but they made it like they were really in love (what after 2 episodes I am supposed to believe that?)

And I like the trickster I do but nothing can beat his first appearance. All these others just are not as strong and they feel like pale imitations. Although that being said I did like that the guy turned out not to be an evil alien. His sacrifice at the end was sweet. I'll give him that. Although how he thought something as freaky looking as the Trickster was an angel is beyond me.

As for the Doctor (oh yeah he was in the episode) there didn't seem to be much point to him being there but it was fun seeing him interact with Luke, Clyde, and Rani so I am not complaining. I loved how the Doctor said that Sarah Jane doesn't mind when he calls her Sarah. I also really liked how the Doctor acknowledged Sarah Jane & the kids in this episode. He can be appreciative at times. This was the last thing David Tennant filmed so it must have been sort of bittersweet for him.

Oh and once again Clyde steals the show with getting to blast the Trickster with the Tardis energy. That was pretty awesome.

Next week appears to be a haunted house type episode. Maybe they should have switched the episodes around since haunted house would have been quite fitting for Halloween.

sarah jane

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