Nodame Cantabile: Final Chapter

Oct 10, 2009 09:33

I just read the last Nodame Cantabile chapter (well the RAW) and I have to say I am a bit disappointed.

I think the manga-ka should have spread the ending out a bit more because it ended up feeling rushed and there was too much going on at least character wise. I don't think I am satisfied where she left Nodame & Chiaki. Not that she left them in a bad place, they are together. But since they are adults I was hoping for more development. You know it's not often that you get a manga with adult characters so I guess I was expecting a little more.

On the plus side there is a sweet scene with Tanya/Kuroki, I am glad they were not left out in the end.

Despite being disappointed in the ending a bit I still think Nodame Cantabile was a great series with great characters. I actually haven't really read any of the translation of the manga past Vol. 15 so I will look forward to the anime in January (plus two new movies) to fill in the details.

Now that the manga is over in Japan I guess I can start collecting it again as well. :)

Au Revoir Nodame & Chiaki ♥

edit: On the Nodame community someone is saying there might be encore chapters. So that might change my opinion of the ending.

nodame cantabile

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