Viz is finally realeasing Good Anime

Sep 10, 2009 17:31

1) After years of endless releases of Naruto, Bleach & Death Note...Viz is releasing Nana, Honey & Clover, and Monster for the first time this fall season. Has the world ended or something?

I don't even care about Nana but I am still happy for its fans. And I am ecstatic about Honey & Clover. I haven't been buying much anime recently because I don't have the money for it but after waiting over 3 years for Viz to release Honey & Clover I had to buy it right away.

At first I didn't like it very much but now I am quite fond of the art used on the Honey & Clover Boxset. It's a bit faded but the pastel look fits the series quite nicely and it has Morita & Takemoto on the cover so I cannot complain. And after waiting this long I would take any cover. XD

But the Monster Boxset Art is making me drool. It's really nice looking. I can't afford to collect this now but I added it to my future wish list. I am impressed Viz and I can't believe I am saying that about you. I do have to laugh at the 18+ rating though. A little over zealous if you ask me. I can understand 13+ but 18+ come on.

2) On another note I saw Yasujiro Ozu's Tokyo Story/Tokyo Monogatari today and absolutely loved it. Although I love exciting, action packed films with lots of comedy, romance, and or drama as much as the next person I also love quiet films like this that depict real people. Of course it depicts real people in early 1950's Japan but it is still one of the most realistic films I've seen which never relies on trying to manipulate its viewers to feel a certain way.

foreign film, honey and clover, classic film

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