Enlightened Idea

Feb 21, 2009 12:45

So this is probably one of my more pointless posts but you know those place holders that Funi puts in their DVD boxes. They usually have really cool images on them so I don't want to throw them out but once the other DVD comes they just take up space.

Well on the AOD boards someone suggested cutting out the images. And I wonder why I didn't think of this before. They make great post cards that you can put inside the DVD case. I did this with my Mushishi place holder that I had sitting around forever and it worked perfectly. Now I will do the same with my Baccano place holder once I get the 2nd DVD.

Anyways here are the Baccano images I speak of :)

Baccano Image 1
Baccano Image 2

edit: On a side note I was being so productive this morning and something just destroyed it. :(

mushishi, baccano

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