X-Files Movie Thoughts

Jul 26, 2008 16:51

Well it was alright, I didn't dislike it but I certainly didn't love it. And as far as episodes of the X-Files go there are many that are much much better.

Okay so the X-Files was a Psychic and some Frankenstein like Doctors. Connelly who played the Psychic did a good job but the X-Files TV show did this scenario twice and much better.

Sorry Carter and Spotnitz but this does not even come close to the excellence of Beyond the Sea and Clyde Bruckman but then you didn't write those so um yeah.

I also I found the actual case more disturbing than scary/. So yeah the actual X-Files case thumbs down.

However at the very least Mulder and Scully had some nice scenes together (I would have liked for them to have more scenes working together though). The Chemistry is still there and I was happy the movie did not deny their relationship and I think the issues they had were realistic. I am happy Chris and Frank did not ruin Mulder/Scully for me at least.

There were some funny bits and call backs to the fans that I also liked. The pencils, Skinner saying Mulder wouldn't do anything crazy LOL and the Bush picture. Oh and the mention of Samantha and William was nice too.

Oh and yay Skinner. I wish he had a bigger part but I was really happy to see him. And he had some snuggle time with Mulder too. XD

I also liked that it was Scully who saved Mulder. Not that I don't like the Rescue Scully moments but it's nice when Scully gets to play the hero.

But god the part that killed me (as a librarian) is when Scully was using Google to look up medical research. D:

Finally best part of the movie after the credits Scully & Mulder alone on a boat in the middle of nowhere. This should have been the movie goddammit.


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