Answers to Alphabet and Icon Meme

Jun 14, 2008 07:52

Anime Industry (US) Well if it isn't obvious from my posts I am an avid fansub watcher however I also love my DVDs and want the industry to succeed. For me fansubs take the place of TV not DVDs. I figure if I like something enough to burn than I should buy it on DVD when it comes out. The problem is not everyone who watches fansubs thinks like this and a lot of people just have millions of burned disks of anime with no intention of supporting the industry. I sort of wish the US industry would not lump all fansub watchers with these type of fans and realize that a lot of us buy anime because of fansubs. I think the US industry should appeal to the collector fan and not to the fan who just wants to watch a series. Because really if you just want to watch a series once why the hell would you buy it?. And I think it is the US industry longtime refusal to change that has hurt it more than fansubs. But now companies have started to release season sets, subbed only releases, monthly releases: I think they are finally listening to what the anime consumer wants and I think this is a step in the right direction.

Catgirls While I love cats I am not a big fan of catgirls or catboys for that matter. It's not that I dislike them I just prefer human characters for the most part. I guess the closest thing I think of being fan of a catperson in a series is Kyo from Fruits Basket.

FMA FMA is my absolute favorite manga (I like the anime but not as much as the manga). I love all the characters to pieces and I think it is one of the best crafted plots in a story. It's one of the few stories where I am constantly surprised or on the edge of my seat and not because of stupid shock value but because the plot takes a turn I never expected and yet when I look back I realize their was foreshadowing for these events all along I just miss it because I am focused on other awesome events at the time. I also love how Arakawa writes relationships from the romances, to friendships, to a Colonel and his loyal subordinates to two loyal brothers. I love all the characters but I am sort of partial to the Elric Brothers, I guess their relationship is what initially got me into the series. But anyways I can never get enough FMA.

Ghosts I am not sure what I think about ghosts. Do I believe or don't believe in them. I think I try not to think of them because I do not like scary things but I don't completely deny the possibility. Of course this leads to what I think about what happens after you die and I hate thinking about that too, I am terrified of what happens after so everything that has to do with death, including ghosts I don't like to think about it.

Internet Culture I think I am obsessed with Internet Culture (or at least the fandom part of it) as much as I am obsessed with certain series. I am always Online and I admit I even lurk Online at work (which I wish I could control myself not to). It's an addiction but I love interacting with people or reading what they have to say. What is cool about the Internet is you can meet people from all over the world with similar interests as you. I just love that connection to people who you would never meet otherwise. And yeah there is the crazy stuff and the wank but in the end that is part of the fun too because you can sit back and laugh or rant about it. Although I admit I probably should get off the Internet more.

Kusuriuri-san Is one of my absolute favorite anime characters. I have a really big thing for characters that travel (other favorites of mine are Kino and Ginko). Probably my dream life would be traveling around the world aimlessly. I also love the Medicine Seller's unqiue character design, his mysterious nature and of course his voice. He is just one of those awesome characters you don't get very often.

Macross Frontier I am enjoying Macross Frontier, I wouldn't say it is the best show ever but it is fun a show and sometimes that is all you need. I will say it is one of the better shows of 2008 but that is not much of an accomplishment because this year has been somewhat disappointing.

As for what I like about the show well it has nice animation (especially in the fight scenes) great music, and likable characters. And while I usually hate love triangles so far the Sheryl/Alto/Ranka triangle has been more fun than annoying. The character I am most interested in is probably Brera (since I like the mysterious type) and I also have a fondness for Michael.

Politics (US) I am actually not a big fan of politics because I think they are all scum. I hate how politicians always talk about what the other candidate did wrong instead of what they are doing right. In any sense I am usually in the middle between liberal and conservative (maybe leaning more towards liberal). I tend to vote for who I feel is the best candidate not by party lines. Although in this coming election I will definitely vote Democrat (which is how I voted in all the presidential elections so far at least).

X-Files This was my first grown up fandom. Originally when I first watched it at 11 it scared me to death but I loved Mulder and Scully too much to stop watching. I was so obsessed that I collected every TV Guide and newspaper article on the show (and I still have a folder of all the stuff). In the end I got frustrated at the mytharc but I still love a lot of the standalones and I still think Mulder and Scully are two of the best characters ever. Despite thinking the show should have ended in season 7 and it was stupid to continue without Mulder (it's like continuing without the heart of the show) I am still super excited about the movie. I can't wait. July 25 cannot come soon enough.

These are icons asked from Schellibie Lots of Avatar Love XD

Suki/Sokka or Sukka is by far my favorite pairing on Avatar and this has been true since I started watching the show. I liked them since episode 104 and was so happy when Suki came back in Serpents Pass and they became an official couple. So I guess I just wanted an icon to commemorate Sukka, especially now that Suki is back and despite what the fandom said her and Sokka are still very much an item.

I love this icon because I adore this scene. I mean who would have thought when we first introduced to Zuko that he would get slobbered on by Appa. It's the delicious irony of the scene that makes me smile.

This is my token Zuko/Iroh icon because I love these two so much. Their relationship is what made me an Avatar fan. I love in this scene how Iroh is being a good Uncle setting Zuko up on a date and Zuko is being so utterly clueless about it.

This is the scene when Iroh comes to ask for the Gaang's help in COD and Toph is like yay hi and Sokka and Aang freak out. Actually I just love this icon because of everyone's expressions and I always use it for my OMG moments because it is so utterly perfect. This is also the longest Avatar icon I had, even had it before I got a paid account.

This is my default icon and it has been forever because I like to be associated with Ginko. He is one of my favorite characters, quite possibly even my favorite. He is from an anime called Mushishi and is a wanderer (there is my love for traveling characters again) who helps people deal with these supernatural creatures called Mushi but instead of trying to kill the Mushi he tries to find ways the Mushi and humans can live harmoniously. He is for the most part very laid back but also very intelligent.

Also the 2nd cover for Gurren Lagann is out and its the Yoko one. If they were doing a normal DVD release I would have been fine with this but with only 3 covers I am a little disappointed this is the one we are getting (and I guess Kamina will be the 3rd one). But I guess most of the target fanbase will be pleased so who am I to complain.

And no it's not that I dislike Yoko. I like her a lot, I just hate her character design especially when her boobs and crotch are in my face. What can I say. But I am ecstatic to be getting Gurren Lagann on DVD so it's a minor complaint.

gurren lagann, avatar, meme

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