Life on Mars Ending Recognized

Jun 09, 2008 22:19

So apparently a UK program was naming the best TV endings I don't know what the program was nor do I know the other choices all I know is Life on Mars was named the greatest TV ending.

This program has taste clearly"

Here is the segment about LOM Spoilers Obviously

You know I am not just saying this because I recently became a fan of Life on Mars but I agree. At least for live action TV series. Most of the ones I've watched drag on so long until they become complete shit. But Life on Mars told the story it wanted to tell and ended in 16 episodes and gave the fans a beautiful poignant ending. Even now when I know what is going to happen it still gives me chillls because it is so sad and uplifting at the same time. How can you beat that?

So yes it deserved to win this award completely. It also deserved to win the BAFTAS (those Bastards). In my opinion it should have won the Emmy's as well (because it is better than anything we make here in the US).

Um where are my LOM R1 DVDs?

life on mars

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