One Piece 502

Jun 07, 2008 10:03

Finally caught up OMG what a chapter

Shit I can;t believe they shot Hachi. Is he dead? But no one ever died in the present storyline. I am still crying he can't die. And now I have to worry about Ace too.

But oh god Luffy was incredible in his chapter. This is why he is my favorite character because while he can be free spirited and simple minded when it comes down to it you better not *fuck* with his friends. He doesn't give a shit who you are.

I cheered so loudly (thank god no one else is here)when Luffy punched that creep. Most satisfying punch ever in the history of punches for any series I think.

Luffy you are my hero!

I feel guilty that I haven't bought the first One Piece box set. I plan to buy it at Otakon though. Unless I see it in a store before that. But I am hoping by Otakon another set will be released and I can buy both at once. I sort of wish the sets had more episodes. I am fine with the price but I think for the length of the series I would rather spend a little more and get more episodes per box. Although as much as I love One Piece there is no way I will collect the entire series. It's way too long. So I will be sticking to favorite arcs. But I at least want to collect all of East Blue because its so new and shiny ♥

But anywys this current arc is just going to be awesome. I can feel it.

Luffy getting pissed at pathetic villains is True ♥!

one piece

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