ZOMG Kyon Figure

May 30, 2008 17:11

Sorry to double post but I thought this was interesting news (and if it was posted before I missed it)

Japan has finally decided the million Haruhis, Yukis, Asakuras, Kyon's Sisters is enough (well I am sure there will be more) and actually made a figure of one of the male characters. Boy I am in shock.

It's not too expensive either. I wonder what the chances are it will show up at Otakon.


Still no Itsuki but its a step in the right direction. although I am sure they will make many more versions of the female characters before they make Itsuki

edit: This pose is the best :D


edit 2: Oh wow there is an Itsuki coming. It looks like they are figures from the ending song.


haruhi suzumiya

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