Just a clarification I don't think anyone is complaining about the aliens because they were not realistic. It has nothing to do with the realism or plausibility of the aliens. It's the mixing of sci-fi in my archaeological adventure movie I don't like. If aliens in space ships suddenly showed up in FMA or Inuyasha well I wouldn't like that either because for me it doesn't fit the world of these series. At least for me it doesn't.
And yes I understand aliens fit the whole 50's thing (I was a fan of both X-Files and Roswell) and I also understand about the whole ancient civilization were maybe worshipping beings from outer space. And yeah maybe aliens built the pyramids. But I think we could have kept this stuff in and left out the very sci-fish gray alien and spaceship at the end.
Anyways I don't think anyone is wrong for liking the aliens in the movie but I also don't think other people (including myself) don't understand Indiana Jones and are just complaining for nothing. It's just a matter of taste. And I actually knew about the aliens even before I saw the movie because of an interview I read with Lucas and Spielberg in EW. That didn't make me like them more.
Of course despite this complaint I still really enjoyed the movie for other aspects (like Indy/Mutt/Marion awesomesauce.) I mean I plan to buy it and I haven't bought a movie since Pan's Labyrinth so that is saying something.
Oh yeah and this post is not directed at one comment but many many comments on the same subject. And I am not upset or angry just wanted to post my viewpoint on my journal
Random Moment of Sukka :D