Some Anime First Impressions

Apr 11, 2008 15:01

These are my first impressions of the anime season. They are mainly for the first episode. Knowing how things are with me I will probably drop some of these and pick up other series later. First episodes are never enough to tell if a series will be good but well you need to start somewhere.

1) Code Geass R2- Lots of Lulz as to be expected. Not much else to say. I will continue to follow this for now. :)


2) Chi's Sweet Home- Absolute Win! At first I was uncertain how I would feel about the short format (each episode is only 3 mins long but it runs M-Th) but it's working out marveously. It's like the perfect dose of cuteness. In fact I was talking about giving baths to cats with my friends and I sent them the appropriate episode of Chi (episode 3 to be exact) and they all seemed to really like it. This is notable because my friends do not like anime.

I am also really happy that this series seems to have a lot of fan support because before it aired people were leaving it out of their blogs. But it seems most people really like it. If you like cats this is a must see. This is a definite keeper.

Episode 1

3) Tower of Druaga- This is the show that Gonzo is airing for free subbed on Youtube and Crunchyroll. I wasn't going to watch this because of mistrust of Gonzo but Csakuras kept talking about it and I gave in.

The thing is the first episode is hilarious. It's a must watch. And you don't have to watch the rest of the series to appreciate the first episode (think of it something like Haruhi Suzumiya episode 0 just dealing more with MPORG.) Well this episode impressed me so much that I might give this series a chance. But I am going to wait to see what other people say. If Gonzo keeps this funny they might have a good series. But either way the first episode at least is a winner.

Perfectly Legal First Episode

4) Allison and Lillia- This is one of the shows I was most anticipating and I have to say so far I am not disappointed. The first episode was sort of slow but I already like the two main characters and the world seems very interesting. Well the story is by the guy who wrote Kino no Tabi. The only thing is I am a little disappointed in the OST so far. But the opening song is gorgeous at least. This is a yes for now.


5) Special A- This is another Gonzo show. I thought the premise sounded interesting. Sort of a cross between Kare Kano and Ouran. Unfortunately this series seems like a lesser version of both (and I don't even think either of those series are perfect). The only thing I found funny was Jun Fukuyama using his Lelouch/Zero voice but that has nothing to do with the script. So yeah I won't be following this. :/

6) Kurenai- I honestly was not even thinking of this series until a lot of people I trust on AA were talking about it. The premise sounds like typical Otaku fodder. High School boy has to protect rich 7 year old girl. But somehow this series doesn't give me the typical moe or otaku vibes at all. In fact it has more of a serious and heart warming tone. Not sure if I will be following this yet but the first episode did keep my interest. This is a maybe.


7) Kaiba- I don't have much to say about the plot (something about memory) since I've only seen the RAW so far. But I love the style of this series so much. It's so original and not typical at all. Paku Romi and Kuwashima Houko are two of the leads so that is an added bonus. And oh god the opening is gorgeous and oh so creative. This is a must watch.

Gorgeous Opening

Also OMG X-Files pictures from the movie. These are non-spoilerish. But they are awesome. New pictures that make you feel nostalgic=WIN! The first and last one especially make me happy. GAH!

Mulder & Sculy= ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

x-files, anime

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