Doctor Who Season 4 Episode 1 YAY

Apr 05, 2008 20:24

1) So it's so great to be able to download something the day it comes out and not have to wait for subtitles. :D

Anyways I really liked it. Well okay not the plot that was pretty corny but I already love the Donna/Doctor interaction. I think this is going to be a very fun year.

And I was worried about the cameo at the end with what people were saying but I actually thought it was handled quite well. In fact now I am intrigued how that person got there.

So I say bring on season 4. I think this is the first time in a really long time that I am more excited about a non-animated series airing. XD

2) Also because I can't do an entry without talking about the X-Files (it's a sickness I tell you). I found this old commercial from the BBC for season 4 (well I assume it's for season 4 since that is where the clips are from).

It's the perfect commercial. I swear we never got anything this sweet in the US. It defines the show perfectly for me (no spoilers mainly because you wouldn't understand what was going on anyways)

And while I am at it this is one of the most adorable MSR fan video somewhat spoilerish

And now I probably should try to get some work done.

x-files, doctor who

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