One Piece and Denno Coil~A New Combination

Oct 16, 2007 10:37

So while working on my paper I took breaks procrastinated and caught up with the One Piece manga. I was 15 chapters behind. Though somehow I did manage to finish my paper. It was 1/2 a page short but oh well.

I am not sure if I can keep up with One Piece on a weekly basis but I am going to try not to get that far behind again. Despite being almost 500 chapters, One Piece has yet to get stale.

Anyways while the thriller bark arc is not as emotionally satisfying as CP9 (except the whole Laboon thing) it has been hilarious to make up for this. XD

Here are some of my favorite moments:

Sanji's Dream That Was Stolen

The Ultimate Warrior

But Robin Ruins It xD

A power that can make anyone feel negative except

Anyways I finally saw Denno Coil 17 and 18 (still waiting not so patiently for 19 and 20) and god I love this series. I keep trying to convince people to watch it and I am going to say it again You Really Need To Watch This

I also think the Avatar writers should watch this to learn how to write romance between children.

Speaking of romance I loved the whole Haraken/Yasako thing. Even though Haraken was lying out of his teeth to Yasako. D: But still it was so cute how Yasako's blushing was so subtle. And I loved how Yasako's voice pulled Haraken back. Even though I do feel bad that Haraken couldn't tell the truth to Yasako.

Speaking about Haraken and Isako now. I've noticed that neither Haraken and Isako seem to have parents worrying about them. Haraken has Tamako of course but who does Isako have? Isako does these dangerous things but I think Tamako is going about this the wrong way (probably because she is only in HS.) Isako needs a parent to scold her and to help her.

I know a lot of people write Isako off as a Tsundere and maybe that is true but I think there is a lot more to her character. I really see her as a very scared and lonely girl who is sadly being used by Nekome. I am not really sure what Nekome is trying to do but you can bet it's not about helping a young girl get her brother back. Maybe Nekome wants 4423 back for a different reason. Or maybe he doesn't care about getting 4423 back at all and wants the space opened for another reason.

Finally the thing that happened one year ago and the Kyoko being taken away..Am I right in assuming that whatever Isako did one year ago was what causes the accident with Kana? Isako didn't want something bad to happen again and Nekome seemed to know about Kana too when he talked to Haraken before.

Finally what makes Yasako able to accept these things and not Fumie? Both Fumie and Yasako seem to have normal households something I am guessing Haraken and Isako don't. However besides the fact that Yasako went to the other side herself I am wondering if Yasako's childhood was not so pleasant that she is able to understand Haraken and Isako. After all it was hinted that something bad did happen involving Yasako. Isako said that she figured Yasako was either bullied or the bully in the past. I am wondering if there is more to this.

And now I will go back to my Denno Coil withdrawal and pray the subs catch up for once. DDDDDDDD:

denno coil, one piece

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