Feb 21, 2011 17:58

If you'll be my boat
I'll be your sea
A depth of pure blue just to probe curiosity
Ebbing and flowing and pushed by a breeze
I live to make you free

【 backtagging 】
--- I am super-slow at tagging and am in GMT +8 so I am totally willing to backdate forever but also feel free to just let me know if you feel it's been too long already and would rather assume/handwave.

【 threadhopping 】
--- Unless it's specifically OOCly mentioned that the thread should be kept between particular characters, consider all of Ranka's threads as a free-for-all!

【 fourth wall-breaking 】
--- Go for it! For the time being however, please don't mention any of the revelations about her past!

【 badtouching 】
--- an ooc note in the tag before impending badtouch would be appreciated because Ranka would likely emit a squeal that would shatter every glass in a 100 mile radius.

【 relationships 】
--- lol um Ranka is currently all dokidoki over Alto and Sheryl and even then her progress on that point is like hilarislow.

【 medical information 】
--- um she's a quarter-Zentradi and infected by a space alien STDs virus.

【 triggers 】
--- Ranka, as the series terms it, has dissociative amnesia stemming from her past in witnessing the destruction of the 117th Research Fleet. The specific trigger is when she witnesses the death or injury of someone close to her, such as in Episode 3, when an injured Ozma is flown past her and in Episode 10, when she sees that Brera was injured protecting her. To put it simply, she freaks the hell out and experiences flashes of that period and the mental distress and fear is so intense, she passes out. She is usually unable to recall the preceding or triggering incident afterward. (/app copypasta)

【 fighting/maiming/death 】
--- She has like no combat abilities to speak of and tends to freak out at the sight of injuries/blood/gore/whathaveyou. So talking about it first would be awesome!

【 etc. 】
--- want to do something with Ranka that you're not sure would be allowed? just ask!

【 game info 】
--- casualty communal 5th-E
--- sales associate at death robbins
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