(no subject)

Jun 25, 2010 09:09

Got Peanelope back from the vets this morning. The sugery went well, and now no more chance of kittnes from her. When I picked her up the vet told me 3 things, 1 she's a very sweet cat. I knew that. 2 she had an unusually long unterus. Interesting I guess, didn't know that. 3 that she's not the brightests cat out there. That I knew. However the vet came to this conclusion when she went to get Peanelope out of her cage and discoved that she'd managed to get her foot stuck in a loose thread on the edge of the towle that was in her cage, and when she couldn't get free she just sort of kept twisting around and around. So now I have to keep an eye on her foot and call the vet if it start to swell. Although the vet thinks she'll be okay because the pads of that foot were still pink and it was the same temperature as the other foot. But still *headdesk* my cat is so stupid she can't even go to the vets without finding a stupid way to hurt herself.

pets, cat

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