Jan 18, 2004 19:19
Arrgh, tommorrow is going to be poo. I have a stoopid workshop week which consists of all day life drawing and printing. I hate printing, its the bane of my exsistence... especially screen printing. Cos the frame is too heavy and high up for me, and i'm always worried that its gonna fling me across the room. Or i'll just spill printing goo down myself like last time :( aaargh printing is boring!
Happily, next weekend the DCA is doin a animation weekend thingummy. I can't wait! ^.^ there's gonna be teaching and talks, and a competition. AND they're showing Spirited Away, which is a great film! And I totally recommend it! I hope I get picked in the competition... the idea is to prepare a storyboard based on something that happened in your life (i'm boring, so I can see me struggling with that), and four people's ideas get picked. A further sixteen people are picked to work on it. I at LEAST want to be one of those sixteen...but i need an idea by Saturday! The winning entries get shown on Channel 4! @.@
Send me luck, you people!