Nov 24, 2003 20:47
Lets go back in time to last week when I had no internet...
Subject:" I think it's time we blow this scene"
Okay, it's the 20th of November, and we ain't got no phoneline! So, I'm writin my diary from quite a few days in the past :) College was a total bore today, I did nothing but look bored and obnoxious all day. As I usually do on a Thursday. Naturally I got no work done, and I have to finish all my work before my deadline in seven days...
All hail me!
I'm goin out of my brain waiting to finish my site (workin on an image for it right now), I've got some people on hand waiting to do script readings. They're a little impatient too... Tho I'm not sure if sendin out scripts is a good thing to do before a) any scripts have been started b) we have any animators or c)um, can't think of a c.... I've been toying with the idea of audition myself... Not sure if thats a good plan... I got enough to do. Maybe I should quit college and become an animating hobo...
memo to self: "get on with those trailers!!"
My quitting coffee thang isnt' working out... I'm still on 2 to 3 cups a day... plus I just found out that I've put on a stone in weight. Thats not just weight put ON, that's weight put BACK on. Guess life has been less of a trial this last year. Which is a nice thing. ^.^ Better drink some orange juice *drinks the juice, spills the coffee*
"Get everybody and thier stuff together: OK, 3...2...1 Let's Jam!"
Music: U2 Pride (in the name of love)
and again...
Subject: c...c...c...cold
22 November
It's so freezing in my room, even though we got the central heating fixed a couple of days ago... I must have draughty windows :( I can't wait till my mum finishes knitting my poncho. I really don't care if ponchos aren't cool, or whatever. I'm REALLY cold! Plus, I'll get to pretend I'm Clint Eastwood. :D
I did quite a lot of site-related work yesterday... I don't have time to do as much as I'd like though. I really shouldn't have done ANY, considering I have other deadlines to think of. Right now I'm writing a report and a project brief, then I'm gonna scan a packaging design so I can put text on it. This kind of stuff is so boring!
Wow! Poncho finished! *puts on nice warm poncho* Ah, that's better... I don't care if I look stoopid.
Animation is an imitation of life...
Music: REM: Imitation of life