I’ve created this account in 2010.01.20 I can't believe 4 years had passed since then. Time sure flies!
I'm happy with the friends I made here, some of them became very special to me ^_^
Thank you so much for the support you've been giving me! I'm looking forward to talk to you more!
Though I've had some unpleasant memories here I feel that those bad experiences made me stronger and that without them I wouldn't be the person I am today.
So I'm thankful for that.
As times goes by we learn that not every time things turn out the way we want and dealing with frustration also helps a lot for you to mature.
And in those 4 years so many happened in my personal life...I think the most important was graduating from college, I overcame one more phase of my life and now a new journey will start for me. New challenges new obstacles to surpass. I'm looking forward to it!
At first I didn't even know how to make posts here! I was so naive and inexperienced! Now LJ is the social media I'm more active! hahahahaha Unbelievable, huh?
Analyzing the pros and cons I'm happy with the way things are now. I don't regret anything I did or the decisions I took.
And I have the feeling that I don't build so many walls around me anymore. I'm not always on guard or paranoid thinking about what people will think about me...
Being the perfectionist I am it was very hard to accept that I'll never be able to please everybody. That there will always be someone who will be unsatisfied with something I did or some of my actions...
But you know what? I'm way more flexible now. I'm still a perfectionist but now I’ve come to accept the fact that if I'm doing my best and I don't have regrets no one has the right to say otherwise.
The worst thing is to regret knowing you have not tried your best. And that regret I'm happy to say I don't have.
You live. You learn. You mature.
For the ones who read this post until the end, thank you!♥
Jaa nee