Title: The Landshark
Author: kira
Characters: Bernd, Amber
Word count: 433
Rating: G
Summary: Bernd shows Amber the landshark he wants to get for her twin brother James…
Author’s note: This is unbetaed so any mistakes are my own.
Author’s note 2: The landshark plushie is real & it’s called Mango & was created by The Click. The preordering with proceeds going to charity is also real (at the time of this writing).
“Hey, Amber! Come’re!” Bernd called out to her as she walked into the kitchen. “You’ve gotta see this!!” He shifted in his seat to face her.
“What?” she said as she walked over to him. “It’s a plushie,” she said, looking at his laptop’s screen. “And?”
“It’s not just any plushie,” Bernd said. “It’s a land shark!”
“Aaah… That explains the feet.”
“Isn’t it cute?” Bernd grinned up at her.
Amber quirked her eyebrow at him. “Don’t you have enough plushies?” It was times like this that she was sure he was really a twelve year old girl. His pink hair seemed to confirm that idea.
“Not for me! For James!”
“James?” Amber looked at him like had six heads. “What would he want with that?” Her twin brother may think sharks are cool in a Sharknado kind of way, but he really was not the least bit interested in plushies. That was more her husband Bernd’s thing.
“It’s a shark, it’s cute, and it’s a present from me!”
Amber leaned over and scrolled down the screen, browsing the items in the online store. “What about the landshark mug? It’s just as cute.”
“It’s not a plaushie.” Bernd pouted.
“No, but I like the Svengoolie mug you got me,” Amber said. “In fact, I was coming here to make a cup of tea in it.” She moved away from the kitchen table to do just that.
“I know, but I know James will like it. Plus, the money goes to charity.”
“Yeah?” Amber put the kettle on.
“Yeah. And James likes The Click, so it’s perfect.”
Amber laughed as took out a tea bag and put it in her mug. “I can’t argue with that logic.”
Bernd grinned. “Nope!” He clicked on the “add to cart” button and ordered the plushie. “I can’t wait until it gets here so I can give it to him!”
She turned off the stove and poured the hot water into her mug. “I know, but it looks like there’s still a few more days until the campaign is done and then I think they have to make you one and mail it.”
Bernd rolled his eyes. “I know! It’ll be tough, but I’ll just have to wait.” He gave her his best smirk.
Amber nodded and sipped her tea. “You can do it, Bernd honey.” She patted his shoulder on her way out of the kitchen.
She waved as she left the kitchen.
Bernd watched her go, before doing a Google search for exotic teas as he felt his wife deserved something she would love too.